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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values

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Accessing by index - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
accum(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
ACCUM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_BLUE_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
ACCUM_BLUE_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_GREEN_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
ACCUM_GREEN_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACCUM_RED_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
ACCUM_RED_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ACTIVE_PROGRAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
ACTIVE_RESOURCES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
ACTIVE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ACTIVE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ACTIVE_VARIABLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
activeShaderProgram(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
activeTexture(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
ADD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
address - Variable in class overrungl.Pointer
The pointer address.
address() - Method in interface overrungl.Addressable
Returns the raw address value.
address() - Method in class overrungl.Pointer
address() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the address of the backing off-heap memory.
address(Arena) - Method in interface overrungl.Callback
Gets the address with the given arena.
ADDRESS_UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
An unbounded address layout.
ADDRESS_UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
An unbounded address layout.
Addressable - Interface in overrungl
An object that has a MemorySegmentPREVIEW value.
ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12
ALL_ATTRIB_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALL_BARRIER_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ALL_SHADER_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
allocate(long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix3x2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix3x2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix4x3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Matrix4x3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector2ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector3ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocate(SegmentAllocator, Vector4ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector.
allocateUtf16LEString(SegmentAllocator, String) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
allocator - Variable in class overrungl.Pointer
The allocator of this pointer.
allocator() - Method in class overrungl.Pointer
Returns the allocator of this pointer.
ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ALPHA_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
ALPHA_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA_TEST_FUNC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA_TEST_REF - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ALPHA8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
alphaFunc(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
ALREADY_SIGNALED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
ALWAYS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
AMBIENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.API_UNAVAILABLE
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.INVALID_ENUM
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.INVALID_VALUE
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.NOT_INITIALIZED
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.NO_CURRENT_CONTEXT
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.NO_ERROR
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.OUT_OF_MEMORY
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.PLATFORM_ERROR
Analysis - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.VERSION_UNAVAILABLE
AND - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
AND_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
AND_REVERSE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ANY_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
API_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
GLFW could not find support for the requested API on the system.
apiLog(String) - Static method in class overrungl.OverrunGL
Logs a message with the current API logger.
apiLogger() - Static method in class overrungl.OverrunGL
Returns the API logger.
areTexturesResident(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
areTexturesResident(SegmentAllocator, int[], boolean[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ARRAY_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
arrayElement(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ArrayPointer - Interface in overrungl
An array pointer.
ARROW_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The regular arrow cursor.
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_INDICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_COMPUTE_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_START - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ATTACHED_SHADERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
attachShader(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUTO_GENERATE_MIPMAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
AUTO_ICONIFY - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
AUTO_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUX_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
AUX_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUX0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUX1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUX2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
AUX3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
axe(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Gets the axe state at the given index.
axes() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Gets the axe state array.
AXES_LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
The struct member layout.

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BACK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BACK_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BACK_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
baseInstance() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Returns the base instance.
baseInstance() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseInstance() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Returns the base instance.
baseInstance() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseInstance(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Sets the base instance.
baseInstance(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseInstance(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Sets the base instance.
baseInstance(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseInstance(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the base instance at the given index.
baseInstance(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the base instance at the given index.
baseInstanceAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the base instance at the given index.
baseInstanceAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the base instance at the given index.
baseVertex() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Returns the base vertex.
baseVertex() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseVertex(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Sets the base vertex.
baseVertex(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
baseVertex(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the base vertex at the given index.
baseVertexAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the base vertex at the given index.
Basic Usages - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
BBBBFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
BBBBFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
BBBBV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
BBBV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
begin(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
beginConditionalRender(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
beginQuery(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
beginQueryIndexed(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
beginTransformFeedback(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
BGR_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BGRA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
BGRA_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindAttribLocation(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
bindAttribLocation(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
bindBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bindBufferBase(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindBuffersBase(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindBuffersBase(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindBuffersRange(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindBuffersRange(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], long[], long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindFragDataLocation(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindFragDataLocation(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindFragDataLocationIndexed(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
bindFragDataLocationIndexed(int, int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
bindFramebuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindImageTexture(int, int, int, boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
bindImageTextures(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindImageTextures(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindProgramPipeline(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
bindRenderbuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindSampler(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
bindSamplers(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindSamplers(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindTexture(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
bindTextures(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindTextures(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindTextureUnit(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
bindTransformFeedback(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
bindVertexArray(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
bindVertexBuffer(int, int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
bindVertexBuffers(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bindVertexBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], long[], long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bitmap(int, int, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
BITMAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
BITMAP_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
BLEND - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BLEND_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
BLEND_DST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BLEND_DST_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
BLEND_DST_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
BLEND_EQUATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BLEND_EQUATION_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BLEND_SRC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BLEND_SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
BLEND_SRC_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
blendColor(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
blendEquation(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
blendEquationi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
blendEquationSeparate(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
blendEquationSeparatei(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
blendEquationSeparatei(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
blendFunc(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
blendFunci(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
blendFuncSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
blitFramebuffer(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
blitNamedFramebuffer(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
BLOCK_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
blue() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets the blue value array.
blue(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets a blue value at the given index.
blue(short[]) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Sets the blue value array.
BLUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
BLUE_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
BLUE_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
BLUE_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
BLUE_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BLUE_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
blueBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the bit depth of the blue channel of the video mode.
blueBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
blueBits() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the blueBits record component.
blueBitsAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the blue bits at the given index.
blues(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Returns the blue value array.
bmp(String, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
bmpToFunc(Arena, STBIWriteFunc, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
BOOL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BOOL_VEC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BOOL_VEC3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BOOL_VEC4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
BOX - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
A trapezoid w/1-pixel wide ramps, same result as box for integer scale ratios
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Create a GLFWImage.Buffer instance.
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Create a GLFWvidmode.Buffer instance.
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
Create a NFDNFilterItem.Buffer instance.
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
Create a NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer instance.
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Create the pointer instance.
Buffer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, long) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Create the pointer instance.
BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
BUFFER_ACCESS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
BUFFER_DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
BUFFER_MAP_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
BUFFER_MAPPED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
BUFFER_USAGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
BUFFER_VARIABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
bufferData(int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(int, long, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, double[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, float[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, long[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferStorage(int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(int, long, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, double[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, float[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, long[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
bufferSubData(int, long, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(int, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
bufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
button(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Gets the button state at the given index.
buttons() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Gets the button state array.
BUTTONS_LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
The struct member layout.
BV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
BYTE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
bytes(byte) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
bytes(byte...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
bytes(byte, byte) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
bytes(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
bytes(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW

C Link icon

C3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
C4F_N3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
C4UB_V2F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
C4UB_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
Callback - Interface in overrungl
The upcall stub which can be passed to other foreign functions as a function pointer, with the given arena.
Callbacks - Class in overrungl.glfw
The GLFW window callbacks.
callList(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
callLists(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
calloc(long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
calloc(long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
calloc(long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.
calloc(long, MemoryLayout) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.
calloc(MemoryLayout) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
calloc(MemoryLayout, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
user pressed cancel
caps - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
CATMULLROM - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
An interpolating cubic spline
CAVEAT_SUPPORT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
CCW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
CENTER_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
check(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given condition is true.
check(boolean, String) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given condition is true.
check(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given condition is true.
check(MethodHandle) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Checks whether the given GL function is available in this context.
checkAlignment(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Checks whether alignment is greater than 0 and is a power-of-two value.
checkByteSize(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Checks whether byteSize is greater than 0 or equals to 0.
checkFramebufferStatus(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
checkNamedFramebufferStatus(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
checkNotNull(Object) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given object is not null.
checkNotNull(Object, String) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given object is not null.
checkNotNull(Object, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given object is not null.
checkNotNullptr(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given segment is not NULL.
checkNotNullptr(MemorySegment, String) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given segment is not NULL.
checkNotNullptr(MemorySegment, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.util.CheckUtil
Checks whether the given segment is not NULL.
CHECKS - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Enable checks.
CheckUtil - Class in overrungl.util
The check utilities.
CLAMP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
CLAMP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLAMP_READ_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLAMP_TO_BORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
clampColor(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clear(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
CLEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
CLEAR_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
CLEAR_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
clearAccum(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
clearBufferData(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
clearBufferfi(int, int, float, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
clearBufferuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearBufferuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
clearColor(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
clearDepth(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
clearDepthf(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
clearError() - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
clear the error
clearIndex(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
clearNamedBufferData(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferfi(int, int, int, float, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferfv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferuiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearNamedFramebufferuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
clearStencil(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
clearTexImage(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
clearTexSubImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIENT_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIENT_MAPPED_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
clientActiveTexture(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
clientWaitSync(MemorySegment, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
CLIP_DEPTH_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CLIP_DISTANCE0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE6 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_DISTANCE7 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CLIP_ORIGIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CLIP_PLANE0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIP_PLANE1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIP_PLANE2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIP_PLANE3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIP_PLANE4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CLIP_PLANE5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
clipControl(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CLIPPING_INPUT_PRIMITIVES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
CLIPPING_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
clipPlane(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
clipPlane(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
close() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator
close() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Calls MemoryStack.pop() on this MemoryStack.
COCOA_CHDIR_RESOURCES - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
macOS specific init hints
COCOA_FRAME_NAME - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
macOS specific window hints
COCOA_GRAPHICS_SWITCHING - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
macOS specific window hints
COCOA_MENUBAR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
macOS specific init hints
COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
macOS specific window hints
COEFF - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
COLOR_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT10 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT11 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT13 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT14 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT15 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT17 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT18 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT19 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT20 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT21 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT22 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT23 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT24 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT25 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT26 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT27 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT28 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT29 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT30 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT31 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT6 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT7 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_ATTACHMENT9 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COLOR_BUFFER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
COLOR_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COLOR_ENCODING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COLOR_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_INDEXES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_LOGIC_OP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
COLOR_MATERIAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COLOR_RENDERABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COLOR_WRITEMASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
color3b(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3bv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3bv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3ub(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3ubv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3ubv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3ui(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3uiv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3us(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3usv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color3usv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4b(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4bv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4bv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4d(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4f(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4s(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4ub(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4ubv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4ubv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4ui(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4uiv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4us(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4usv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
color4usv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
colorMask(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
colorMaski(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
colorMaterial(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
colorPointer(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
colorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
colorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
colorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
colorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
colorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COMMAND_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
COMPILE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COMPILE_STATUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
compileShader(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
COMPRESSED_R11_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_RED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_RG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_SRGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
compressedTextureSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
compressedTextureSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
compressedTextureSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
COMPUTE_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPUTE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
CONDITION_SATISFIED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
Configurations - Class in overrungl
The configurations for game library.
Configurations.Entry<T> - Class in overrungl
A configuration entry.
CONNECTED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
CONSTANT_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
CONSTANT_ATTENUATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CONSTANT_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
consume(T) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Make sure a method handle is returned as the specified type to deal with MethodHandle::invokeExact.
CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
CONTEXT_CREATION_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
CONTEXT_FLAG_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_ERROR_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
CONTEXT_FLAG_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CONTEXT_FLAGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
CONTEXT_LOST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CONTEXT_NO_ERROR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
CONTEXT_REVISION - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR and CONTEXT_REVISION indicate the client API version of the window's context.
CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CLIENT_API
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_CREATION_API
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_NO_ERROR
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT
Context related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.OPENGL_PROFILE
convertIphonePngToRgb(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
convertIphonePngToRgbThread(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
COPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
COPY_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
COPY_READ_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
COPY_WRITE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
copyBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
copyImageSubData(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
copyNamedBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
copyPixels(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
copyTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
copyTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
copyTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
copyTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
copyTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
copyTextureSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
copyTextureSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
copyTextureSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
count() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
count() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Returns the count.
count() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
count() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Returns the count.
count(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
count(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Sets the count.
count(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
count(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Sets the count.
count(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the count at the given index.
count(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the count at the given index.
countAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the count at the given index.
countAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the count at the given index.
create() - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Creates a new MemoryStack with the default size.
create(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Creates a new MemoryStack with the specified size.
create(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.Callbacks
Creates an arena for the given window.
create(MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Creates a new MemoryStack backed by the specified memory buffer.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Creates a GLFWgamepadstate instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Creates a GLFWgammaramp instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Creates a GLFWImage instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Creates a GLFWVidMode instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Creates a command instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Creates a command instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Creates a stbi_io_callbacks instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator, long) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Creates a GLFWImage.Buffer instance with the given allocator and count.
create(SegmentAllocator, long) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Creates a GLFWVidMode.Buffer instance with the given allocator and count.
create(SegmentAllocator, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Creates a command instance with the given allocator and count.
create(SegmentAllocator, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Creates a command instance with the given allocator and count.
create(SegmentAllocator, String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Creates a NFDNFilterItem instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator, String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Creates a NFDU8FilterItem instance with the given allocator.
create(SegmentAllocator, Pair<String>...) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Creates a NFDNFilterItem.Buffer instance with the given allocator and items.
create(SegmentAllocator, Pair<String>...) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Creates a NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer instance with the given allocator and items.
createBuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createBuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createCursor(GLFWImage, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Creates a custom cursor.
createFramebuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createFramebuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createFramebuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createLog(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWErrorCallback
Returns a IGLFWErrorFun instance that logs a message when an error occurs.
createPrint() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWErrorCallback
Returns a IGLFWErrorFun instance that prints a message to default library logger when an error occurs.
createPrint(PrintStream) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWErrorCallback
Returns a IGLFWErrorFun instance that prints a message when an error occurs.
createProgram() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
createProgramPipeline() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createProgramPipelines(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createProgramPipelines(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createQueries(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createQueries(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createQuery(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createRenderbuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createRenderbuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createRenderbuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createSampler() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createSamplers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createSamplers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createShader(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
createShaderProgram(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
createShaderProgramv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
createShaderProgramv(SegmentAllocator, int, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
createStandardCursor(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Creates a cursor with a standard shape.
createTexture(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createTextures(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createTextures(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createThrow() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWErrorCallback
Returns a IGLFWErrorFun instance that throws an IllegalStateException when an error occurs.
createTransformFeedback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createTransformFeedbacks(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createTransformFeedbacks(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createVertexArray() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createVertexArrays(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createVertexArrays(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
createWindow(int, int, String, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Creates a window and its associated context.
CROSSHAIR_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The crosshair shape.
CUBICBSPLINE - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
The cubic b-spline (aka Mitchell-Netrevalli with B=1,C=0), gaussian-esque
CULL_FACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
CULL_FACE_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
cullFace(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
current() - Static method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
CURRENT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_PROGRAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
CURRENT_QUERY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
CURSOR_DISABLED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Cursor mode
CURSOR_HIDDEN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Cursor mode
CURSOR_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Cursor mode
Cursor mode - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CURSOR_DISABLED
Cursor mode - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CURSOR_HIDDEN
Cursor mode - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CURSOR_NORMAL
CW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C

D Link icon

D - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DDDDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DEBUG - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Enable debug messages and prints to OverrunGL.apiLogger().
DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_MEM_UTIL - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Enable debug memory util to check memory leaks.
DEBUG_MEM_UTIL_FAST - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Disable stacktrace in debug allocator.
DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_OUTPUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_API - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_STACK - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Enable using debug memory stack.
DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageCallback(Arena, GLDebugProc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageControl(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageControl(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[], boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageInsert(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
debugMessageInsert(int, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DECAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
DECORATED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
DECR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DECR_WRAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
use same filter type that easy-to-use API chooses
DEFAULT - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
Image channels
defaultWindowHints() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Resets all window hints to their default values.
DELETE_STATUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
deleteBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteBuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteFramebuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteFramebuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteFramebuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteLists(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
deleteProgram(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
deleteProgramPipeline(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
deleteProgramPipelines(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
deleteProgramPipelines(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
deleteQueries(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteQueries(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteQuery(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
deleteRenderbuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteRenderbuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteRenderbuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteSampler(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
deleteSamplers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
deleteSamplers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
deleteShader(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
deleteSync(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
deleteTexture(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
deleteTextures(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
deleteTextures(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
deleteTransformFeedback(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
deleteTransformFeedbacks(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
deleteTransformFeedbacks(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
deleteVertexArray(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteVertexArrays(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
deleteVertexArrays(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
DEPTH_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
DEPTH_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_CLAMP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_COMPONENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_COMPONENT16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
DEPTH_COMPONENT24 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
DEPTH_COMPONENT32 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
DEPTH_COMPONENT32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEPTH_FUNC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_RENDERABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEPTH_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
DEPTH_STENCIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH_STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH_WRITEMASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DEPTH24_STENCIL8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
depthFunc(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
depthMask(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
depthRange(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
depthRangeArrayv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
depthRangeArrayv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
depthRangef(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
depthRangeIndexed(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCharFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorPosFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWJoystickFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWKeyFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMonitorFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMouseButtonFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWScrollFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowCloseFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowPosFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowRefreshFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowSizeFun
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Eof
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Read
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Skip
DESC - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIWriteFunc
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.Callback
Returns the function descriptor of this callback.
descriptor() - Method in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Returns the function descriptor.
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCharFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorPosFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWJoystickFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWKeyFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMonitorFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMouseButtonFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWScrollFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowCloseFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowPosFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowRefreshFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowSizeFun
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Eof
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Read
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Skip
descriptor() - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIWriteFunc
destroyCursor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Destroys a cursor.
destroyWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Destroys the specified window and its context.
detachShader(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DIFFUSE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
disable(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
disableClientState(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
disablei(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
disableVertexArrayAttrib(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
disableVertexAttribArray(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
dispatchCompute(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
dispatchComputeIndirect(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
DITHER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DOMAIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Don't care value.
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DOUBLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
DOUBLE_MAT2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT2x3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT2x4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT3x2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT3x4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT4x2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_MAT4x3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_VEC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_VEC3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLE_VEC4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DOUBLEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
DOUBLEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
doubles(double) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
doubles(double...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
doubles(double, double) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
doubles(double, double, double) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
doubles(double, double, double, double) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
downcallSafe(MemorySegment, FunctionDescriptor, Linker.Option...) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Creates a downcall handle or null.
downcallSafe(MemorySegment, FunctionDescriptors, Linker.Option...) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Creates a downcall handle or null.
downcallThrow(Optional<MemorySegment>, FunctionDescriptor, Linker.Option...) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Creates a downcall handle or throws exception.
downcallThrow(Optional<MemorySegment>, FunctionDescriptors, Linker.Option...) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Creates a downcall handle or throws exception.
DRAW_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DRAW_BUFFER0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER10 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER11 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER13 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER14 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER15 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER6 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER7 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_BUFFER9 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
drawArrays(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
drawArraysIndirect(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawArraysIndirect(int, DrawArraysIndirectCommand) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawArraysIndirect(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DrawArraysIndirectCommand - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.2 draw arrays indirect command.
DrawArraysIndirectCommand(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Create the pointer instance.
DrawArraysIndirectCommand(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.2 draw arrays indirect commands.
drawArraysInstanced(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
drawBuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
drawBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
drawElements(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
drawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
drawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
drawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
drawElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsIndirect(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawElementsIndirect(int, int, DrawElementsIndirectCommand) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawElementsIndirect(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
DrawElementsIndirectCommand - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.2 draw elements indirect command.
DrawElementsIndirectCommand(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Create the pointer instance.
DrawElementsIndirectCommand(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.2 draw elements indirect commands.
drawElementsInstanced(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
drawElementsInstanced(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
drawElementsInstanced(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
drawElementsInstanced(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawPixels(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
drawRangeElements(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
drawRangeElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
drawRangeElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
drawRangeElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
drawSegs(SegmentAllocator, float, float, byte[], boolean, byte[], MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
drawTransformFeedback(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawTransformFeedbackInstanced(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
drawTransformFeedbackStream(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
drawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
DST_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DST_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
DV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
DYNAMIC_COPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
DYNAMIC_DRAW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
DYNAMIC_READ - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C

E Link icon

EDGE_FLAG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
edgeFlag(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
edgeFlagPointer(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
edgeFlagv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
edgeFlagv(SegmentAllocator, boolean[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
EGL_CONTEXT_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
elementCount() - Method in interface overrungl.ArrayPointer
Returns the count of the elements in this array.
EMISSION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
enable(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ENABLE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
enableClientState(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
enablei(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
enableVertexArrayAttrib(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
enableVertexAttribArray(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
end() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
endConditionalRender() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
endList() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
endQuery(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
endQueryIndexed(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
endTransformFeedback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
eof() - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Returns the eof callback.
eof(Arena, STBIIoCallbacks.Eof) - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Sets the eof callback.
EQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
EQUIV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
programmatic error
EVAL_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
evalCoord1d(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord1dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord1dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord1f(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord1fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord1fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2d(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2f(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalCoord2fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalMesh1(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalMesh2(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalPoint1(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
evalPoint2(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
Example - Search tag in interface overrungl.opengl.GLLoadFunc
EXP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
EXP2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ext() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
Returns the OpenGL extension capabilities.
EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
extensionSupported(String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether the specified extension is available.
EYE_LINEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
EYE_PLANE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11

F Link icon

F - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
failureReason() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
FALSE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
FALSE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FASTEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
fbmNoise3(float, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
Three common fractal noise functions are included, which produce a wide variety of nice effects depending on the parameters provided.
fd_PI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Make it doesn't confuse with Math.PI.
FEEDBACK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
feedbackBuffer(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
feedbackBuffer(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fenceSync(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
FFBBBBFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFIF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFIF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFIIIBF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFIIIF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFIIIIF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFPIIPPIII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFPPPII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
File Filter Syntax - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
FILL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FILTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
findAllInPath(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
findInPath(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
Locates the given executable in the system path.
finish() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
first() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
first() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Returns the first.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.x.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns Quad.x.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.x.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.x.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.x.
first() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns Tuple4.x.
first(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
first(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Sets the first.
first(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the first at the given index.
FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
firstAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the first at the given index.
firstIndex() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
firstIndex() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Returns the first index.
firstIndex(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
firstIndex(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Sets the first index.
firstIndex(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the first index at the given index.
firstIndexAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the first index at the given index.
FIXED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
FIXED_ONLY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FLAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
flipVerticallyOnWrite(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FLOAT_MAT2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOAT_MAT2x3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_MAT2x4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_MAT3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOAT_MAT3x2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_MAT3x4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_MAT4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOAT_MAT4x2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_MAT4x3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
FLOAT_VEC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOAT_VEC3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOAT_VEC4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FLOATING - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
floats(float) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
floats(float...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
floats(float, float) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
floats(float, float, float) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
floats(float, float, float, float) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
flush() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
flushMappedBufferRange(int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
flushMappedNamedBufferRange(int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
FOCUS_ON_SHOW - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
FOCUSED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
focusWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus.
FOG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_DENSITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_END - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
FOG_START - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
fogCoordd(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoorddv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoorddv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordf(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordfv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordfv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordPointer(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
fogf(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fogfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fogfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fogi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fogiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
fogiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The requested format is not supported or available.
forName(String) - Static method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
forwardCompatible() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
Forward compatible flag.
fourth() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns Quad.w.
fourth() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns Tuple4.w.
FRACTIONAL_EVEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
FRACTIONAL_ODD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
FRAGMENT_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAGMENT_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_BLEND - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_LAYERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_RENDERABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_RENDERABLE_LAYERED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
framebufferParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ACCUM_BLUE_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ACCUM_GREEN_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ACCUM_RED_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ALPHA_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.AUX_BUFFERS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.BLUE_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.DEPTH_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.DOUBLEBUFFER
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.GREEN_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.RED_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.SAMPLES
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.SRGB_CAPABLE
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.STENCIL_BITS
Framebuffer related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.STEREO
framebufferRenderbuffer(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
framebufferTexture(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
framebufferTexture1D(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
framebufferTexture2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
framebufferTexture3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
framebufferTextureLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
frameIndex - Variable in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
free(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Deallocates or frees a memory block.
free(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.Callbacks
Closes the arena for the given window.
free(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
FREE_BSD - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
freePathN(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
free a file path that was returned by the dialogs
freePathU8(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
free a file path that was returned
fromPathSetN(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator
fromPathSetU8(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator
FRONT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FRONT_AND_BACK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FRONT_FACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FRONT_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
FRONT_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
frontFace(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
frustum(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
FULL_SUPPORT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
FUNC_ADD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
FUNC_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
FunctionDescriptors - Enum Class in overrungl
The function descriptors.
FV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
FZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors

G Link icon

GAMEPAD_AXIS_LAST - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad axes.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_CIRCLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_CROSS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LAST - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_BUMPER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_BUMPER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SQUARE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TRIANGLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Gamepad buttons.
genBuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
genBuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
genBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
generateMipmap(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
generateTextureMipmap(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
genFramebuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genFramebuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genFramebuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genLists(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
genProgramPipeline() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
genProgramPipelines(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
genProgramPipelines(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
genQueries(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
genQueries(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
genQuery() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
genRenderbuffer() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genRenderbuffers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genRenderbuffers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genSampler() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
genSamplers(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
genSamplers(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
genTexture() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
genTextures(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
genTextures(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
genTransformFeedback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
genTransformFeedbacks(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
genTransformFeedbacks(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
genVertexArray() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genVertexArrays(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
genVertexArrays(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
GEOMETRY_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_EMITTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
GEOMETRY_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
GEQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
get() - Method in class overrungl.Configurations.Entry
Returns the value, or the default value if it is null.
GET_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
GET_TEXTURE_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getActiveAtomicCounterBufferi(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getActiveAttrib(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getActiveAttrib(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getActiveSubroutineName(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineUniformi(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineUniformiv(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineUniformiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineUniformName(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveSubroutineUniformName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getActiveUniform(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getActiveUniform(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getActiveUniformBlockiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformBlockiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformBlockName(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformBlockName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformBlockName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformi(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformName(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformsiv(int, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getActiveUniformsiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getArch() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getAttachedShaders(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getAttachedShaders(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getAttribLocation(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getAttribLocation(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getBoolean(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getBooleani(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getBooleani_v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getBooleani_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getBooleanv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getBooleanv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getBufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferParameteri64(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getBufferParameteri64v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getBufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferPointer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferPointerv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(int, long, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getCapabilities() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Returns the GLCapabilities of the OpenGL context that is current in the current thread.
getClipboardString(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the contents of the clipboard as a string.
getClipPlane(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getClipPlane(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getCocoaMonitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the CGDirectDisplayID of the specified monitor.
getCocoaWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the NSWindow of the specified window.
getCompressedTexImage(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
getCompressedTextureImage(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getCompressedTextureSubImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getCurrentContext() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the window whose context is current on the calling thread.
getCursorPos(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the content area of the window.
getCursorPos(MemorySegment, double[], double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the content area of the window.
getDebugMessageLog(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getDebugMessageLog(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getDebugMessageLog(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getDouble(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getDoublei(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getDoublei_v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getDoublei_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getDoublev(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getDoublev(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getEGLContext(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the EGLContext of the specified window.
getEGLDisplay() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the EGLDisplay used by GLFW.
getEGLSurface(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the EGLSurface of the specified window.
getError() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns and clears the last error for the calling thread.
getError() - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Get last error -- set when NFDResult returns NFDResult.ERROR
getError() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getError(String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns and clears the last error for the calling thread.
getErrorString(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Converts the given error code to a readable string.
getExecutableName(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getExecutableSuffix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getExtCapabilities() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Returns the current GLExtCaps of the OpenGL context in the current thread.
getFamilyName() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getFloat(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getFloati(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getFloati_v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getFloati_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getFloatv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getFloatv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getFragDataIndex(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getFragDataIndex(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getFragDataLocation(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getFragDataLocation(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getFramebufferAttachmentParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getFramebufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getFramebufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getFramebufferSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window.
getFramebufferSize(MemorySegment, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window.
getFrameIndex() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the current frame index.
getGamepadName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the human-readable gamepad name for the specified joystick.
getGamepadState(int, GLFWGamepadState) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the state of the specified joystick remapped as a gamepad.
getGammaRamp(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.
getGLXContext(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the GLXContext of the specified window.
getGLXWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the GLXWindow of the specified window.
getGraphicsResetStatus() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getInputMode(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the value of an input option for the specified window.
getInteger(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getInteger64(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getInteger64i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getInteger64i_v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getInteger64i_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getInteger64v(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getInteger64v(SegmentAllocator, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getIntegeri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getIntegeri_v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getIntegeri_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getIntegerv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getIntegerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getInternalformati(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getInternalformati64(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getInternalformati64v(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getInternalformati64v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getInternalformativ(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getInternalformativ(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
getJoystickAxes(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the values of all axes of the specified joystick.
getJoystickButtons(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick.
getJoystickGUID(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the SDL compatible GUID of the specified joystick.
getJoystickHats(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the state of all hats of the specified joystick.
getJoystickName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the name of the specified joystick.
getJoystickUserPointer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the user pointer of the specified joystick.
getKey(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the last reported state of a keyboard key for the specified window.
getKeyName(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the layout-specific name of the specified printable key.
getKeyScancode(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the platform-specific scancode of the specified key.
getLightf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLightfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLightfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLighti(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLightiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLightiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getLinkLibraryName(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getLinkLibrarySuffix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getMapd(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapdv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapdv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMapiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMaterialf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMaterialfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMaterialfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMateriali(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMaterialiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMaterialiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getMonitorContentScale(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified monitor.
getMonitorContentScale(MemorySegment, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified monitor.
getMonitorName(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the name of the specified monitor.
getMonitorPhysicalSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the physical size of the monitor.
getMonitorPhysicalSize(MemorySegment, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the physical size of the monitor.
getMonitorPos(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the position of the monitor's viewport on the virtual screen.
getMonitorPos(MemorySegment, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the position of the monitor's viewport on the virtual screen.
getMonitors() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the currently connected monitors.
getMonitorUserPointer(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the user pointer of the specified monitor.
getMonitorWorkarea(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the work area of the monitor.
getMonitorWorkarea(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the work area of the monitor.
getMouseButton(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the last reported state of a mouse button for the specified window.
getMultisamplefv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getMultisamplefv(SegmentAllocator, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getMultisamplefv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getName() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getNamedBufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferParameteri64(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferParameteri64v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferPointer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferPointerv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(int, long, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedFramebufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedFramebufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedRenderbufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNativeLibArch() - Static method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
Returns the arch in native library path.
getNativePrefix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getnCompressedTexImage(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnCompressedTexImage(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getNSGLContext(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the NSOpenGLContext of the specified window.
getnTexImage(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnTexImage(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnTexImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnTexImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnTexImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnTexImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformdv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformdv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformdv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformfv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformuiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getnUniformuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getObjectLabel(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectLabel(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectLabel(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectLabel(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectPtrLabel(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectPtrLabel(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectPtrLabel(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getObjectPtrLabel(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getOSMesaColorBuffer(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Retrieves the color buffer associated with the specified window.
getOSMesaContext(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the OSMesaContext of the specified window.
getOSMesaDepthBuffer(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Retrieves the depth buffer associated with the specified window.
getPath() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getPathVar() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getPixelMapfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPixelMapfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPixelMapuiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPixelMapuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPixelMapusv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPixelMapusv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPointer() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the current stack pointer.
getPointer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
getPointerAddress() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the memory address at the current stack pointer.
getPointerv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
getPolygonStipple(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPolygonStipple(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getPrimaryMonitor() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the primary monitor.
getProcAddress(String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the address of the specified function for the current context.
getProgramBinary(int, int[], int[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramBinary(int, int, int[], int[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramBinary(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgrami(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramInfoLog(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramInterfacei(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramInterfaceiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getProgramPipelinei(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramPipelineInfoLog(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramPipelineInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramPipelineInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramPipelineiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getProgramResourceIndex(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceIndex(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceiv(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceLocation(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceLocation(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceLocationIndex(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceLocationIndex(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceName(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceName(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramResourceName(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
getProgramStagei(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getProgramStageiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getQueryBufferObjecti64v(int, int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getQueryBufferObjectiv(int, int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getQueryBufferObjectui64v(int, int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getQueryBufferObjectuiv(int, int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getQueryi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getQueryIndexedi(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getQueryIndexediv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getQueryiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getQueryObjecti(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getQueryObjecti64(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getQueryObjecti64v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getQueryObjectiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getQueryObjectui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getQueryObjectui64(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getQueryObjectui64v(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getQueryObjectuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
getRenderbufferParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getRequiredInstanceExtensions() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW.
getSamplerParameterf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getSamplerParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
getScriptName(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getShaderi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderInfoLog(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderInfoLog(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderPrecisionFormat(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getShaderPrecisionFormat(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getShaderSource(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderSource(SegmentAllocator, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getShaderSource(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getSharedLibraryName(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getSharedLibrarySuffix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getSize() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the size of the backing off-heap memory.
getSpacing() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
getStaticLibraryName(String) - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getStaticLibrarySuffix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getString(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getStringi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getSubroutineIndex(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getSubroutineIndex(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getSubroutineUniformLocation(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getSubroutineUniformLocation(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getSynci(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getSynciv(MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getSynciv(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
getTexEnvf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexEnvfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexEnvfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexEnvi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexEnviv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexEnviv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGendv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGendv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGenfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGenfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGeniv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexGeniv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
getTexImage(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameterf(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameterfv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameteriv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexLevelParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameterf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameterIi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameterIui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTexParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTexParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
getTextureImage(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameterf(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameterfv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameteriv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureLevelParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureSubImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureSubImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureSubImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureSubImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTextureSubImage(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTime() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the GLFW time.
getTimerFrequency() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the frequency, in Hz, of the raw timer.
getTimerValue() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the current value of the raw timer.
getTransformFeedbacki_v(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbacki_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbacki64_v(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbacki64_v(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbackiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbackiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getTransformFeedbackVarying(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getTransformFeedbackVarying(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getUniformBlockIndex(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getUniformBlockIndex(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getUniformd(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getUniformdv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getUniformdv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getUniformf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformIndex(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getUniformIndices(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getUniformIndices(SegmentAllocator, int, String[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
getUniformiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformLocation(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformLocation(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getUniformSubroutineuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getUniformSubroutineuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
getUniformui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getUniformuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getUniformuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getUtf16LEString(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
getValue() - Method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
Returns the enum value.
getValue() - Method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
Returns the enum value.
getVersion() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the version of the GLFW library.
getVersion() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
getVersion(int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the version of the GLFW library.
getVersionString() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns a string describing the compile-time configuration.
getVertexArrayi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexArrayIndexed64i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexArrayIndexed64iv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexArrayIndexedi(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexArrayIndexediv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexArrayiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
getVertexAttribd(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribdv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribdv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribf(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribIi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribIui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
getVertexAttribiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribLdv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getVertexAttribLdv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
getVertexAttribPointerv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribPointerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribPointerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribPointerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribPointerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVertexAttribPointerv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
getVideoMode(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the current mode of the specified monitor.
getVideoModes(SegmentAllocator, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the available video modes for the specified monitor.
getWaylandDisplay() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the struct wl_display* used by GLFW.
getWaylandMonitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the struct wl_output* of the specified monitor.
getWaylandWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the main struct wl_surface* of the specified window.
getWGLContext(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the HGLRC of the specified window.
getWin32Adapter(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the adapter device name of the specified monitor.
getWin32Monitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the display device name of the specified monitor.
getWin32Window(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the HWND of the specified window.
getWindowAttrib(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns an attribute of the specified window.
getWindowContentScale(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified window.
getWindowContentScale(MemorySegment, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified window.
getWindowFrameSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the frame of the window.
getWindowFrameSize(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the frame of the window.
getWindowMonitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode.
getWindowOpacity(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the opacity of the whole window.
getWindowPos(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window.
getWindowPos(MemorySegment, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window.
getWindowSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window.
getWindowSize(MemorySegment, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window.
getWindowUserPointer(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the user pointer of the specified window.
getWriteForcePngFilter() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
getWritePngCompressionLevel() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
getWriteTgaWithRle() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
getX11Adapter(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the RRCrtc of the specified monitor.
getX11Display() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the Display used by GLFW.
getX11Monitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the RROutput of the specified monitor.
getX11SelectionString() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the contents of the current primary selection as a string.
getX11Window(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the Window of the specified window.
GL - Class in overrungl.opengl
The latest OpenGL functions.
GL_1PASS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_1PASS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_2_BYTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_2_BYTES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_2PASS_0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_2PASS_0_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_2PASS_1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_2PASS_1_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_2X_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_3_BYTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_3_BYTES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_3D_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_3DFX_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_3DFX_tbuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_4_BYTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_4_BYTES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_422_AVERAGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_422_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_422_REV_AVERAGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_422_REV_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL_4PASS_0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_0_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_1_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_2_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4PASS_3_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_4X_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_8X_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ABGR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACCUM_ADJACENT_PAIRS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_VARYINGS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ACTIVE_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ADD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ADD_SIGNED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_ADD_SIGNED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_ADD_SIGNED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ADJACENT_PAIRS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AFFINE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AFFINE_3D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALL_BARRIER_BITS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALL_COMPLETED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALL_PIXELS_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALL_STATIC_DATA_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALLOW_DRAW_FRG_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALLOW_DRAW_MEM_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALLOW_DRAW_OBJ_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALLOW_DRAW_WIN_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_MAX_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_MAX_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_MIN_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_MIN_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_REF_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DEFAULT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_DISABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_ENABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_DITHER_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_ALPHA16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_ALPHA32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALPHA8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALWAYS_FAST_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ALWAYS_SOFT_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AMD_blend_minmax_factor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_conservative_depth - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_debug_output - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_gcn_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int16 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int64 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_interleaved_elements - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_name_gen_delete - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_occlusion_query_event - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_performance_monitor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_pinned_memory - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_query_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_sample_positions - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_ballot - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_gpu_shader_half_float_fetch - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_sparse_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_stencil_operation_extended - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_texture_texture4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_transform_feedback4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_client_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_element_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_fence - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_float_pixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_object_purgeable - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_rgb_422 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_row_bytes - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_specular_vector - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_texture_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_transform_hint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_base_instance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_bindless_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_blend_func_extended - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_buffer_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_cl_event - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_clear_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_clip_control - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_compatibility - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_compute_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_conservative_depth - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_copy_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_copy_image - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_cull_distance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_debug_output - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_depth_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_depth_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_derivative_control - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_direct_state_access - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_draw_buffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_draw_indirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_draw_instanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_program - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_framebuffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_get_program_binary - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_gl_spirv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_half_float_pixel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_half_float_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_imaging - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_indirect_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_instanced_arrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_internalformat_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_map_buffer_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_matrix_palette - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_multi_bind - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_multitexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_occlusion_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_point_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_point_sprite - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_program_interface_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_provoking_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_query_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_robustness - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_robustness_isolation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sample_locations - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sample_shading - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sampler_objects - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_ballot - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_clock - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_group_vote - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_image_size - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_objects - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_precision - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_subroutine - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shading_language_100 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shading_language_include - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shading_language_packing - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shadow - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_shadow_ambient - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sparse_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_spirv_extensions - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_stencil_texturing - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_sync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_tessellation_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_barrier - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_compression - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_env_add - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_gather - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_query_levels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_query_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_rectangle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_rg - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_swizzle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_texture_view - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_timer_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_blend - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_program - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_viewport_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARB_window_pos - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_FIRST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_OBJECT_BUFFER_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ARRAY_OBJECT_OFFSET_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ASYNC_DRAW_PIXELS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ASYNC_MARKER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ASYNC_READ_PIXELS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ASYNC_TEX_IMAGE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATI_draw_buffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_element_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_fragment_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_map_object_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_meminfo - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_pixel_format_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_pn_triangles - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_separate_stencil - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_texture_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_vertex_array_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATI_vertex_streams - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OBJECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTENUATION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ATTRIBUTE_ADDRESS_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AUTO_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_AUX_DEPTH_STENCIL_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AVERAGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_AVERAGE_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BACK_NORMALS_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BACK_PRIMARY_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BACK_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BEVEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BGR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BGR_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BGRA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BGRA_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BGRA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BIAS_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BIAS_BY_NEGATIVE_ONE_HALF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BINORMAL_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BINORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BINORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BINORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLACKHOLE_RENDER_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELConst
GL_BLACKHOLE_RENDER_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_ADVANCED_COHERENT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_ADVANCED_COHERENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_COLOR_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_DST_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_OVERLAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED_SRC_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLUE_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLUE_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLUE_MAX_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLUE_MIN_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BLUE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BOLD_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BOOL_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_BOOL_VEC2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_BOOL_VEC3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_BOOL_VEC4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_GPU_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_SERIALIZED_MODIFY_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUFFER_USAGE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CALLIGRAPHIC_FRAGMENT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CIRCULAR_CCW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBorderClamp
GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIP_DISTANCE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIP_FAR_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIP_NEAR_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIP_VOLUME_CLIPPING_HINT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CLIPPING_INPUT_PRIMITIVES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_CLIPPING_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CMYK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CMYKA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CND_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CND0_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_PARALLEL_POINTERS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_CLEAR_UNCLAMPED_VALUE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_FLOAT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_MATRIX_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_SUM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_SUM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_SUM_CLAMP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_SUM_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR3_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLOR4_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLORBURN_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLORBURN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLORDODGE_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COLORDODGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMBINE_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_COMBINE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINE_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_COMBINE_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINE4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_AB_DOT_PRODUCT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_AB_OUTPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_CD_DOT_PRODUCT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_CD_OUTPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_COMPONENT_USAGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_INPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_MAPPING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_MUX_SUM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER_SUM_OUTPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER5_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER6_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMBINER7_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMMAND_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMP_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadow
GL_COMPARE_REF_DEPTH_TO_TEXTURE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPLETION_STATUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBParallelShaderCompile
GL_COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_LATC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_LATC1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompressionBptc
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompressionBptc
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompressionBptc
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_LATC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_LUMINANCE_LATC1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompressionBptc
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_CON_0_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_1_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_10_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_11_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_12_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_13_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_14_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_15_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_17_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_18_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_19_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_2_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_20_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_21_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_22_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_23_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_24_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_25_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_26_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_27_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_28_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_29_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_3_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_30_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_31_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_4_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_5_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_6_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_7_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_8_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CON_9_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONFORMANT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONJOINT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_DILATE_GRANULARITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_DILATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_DILATE_RANGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_MODE_POST_SNAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_MODE_PRE_SNAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_MODE_PRE_SNAP_TRIANGLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELConst
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSERVE_MEMORY_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONST_EYE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_CONSTANT_BORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONSTANT_BORDER_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_COLOR1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONSTANT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_ERROR_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_CONTINUOUS_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONTRAST_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVEX_HULL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_HINT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COORD_REPLACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_COORD_REPLACE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COORD_REPLACE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COUNT_DOWN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COUNT_UP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COUNTER_RANGE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COUNTER_TYPE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COVERAGE_MODULATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_COVERAGE_MODULATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CUBIC_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CUBIC_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_FRAGMENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_MODES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_VERTEX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_VERTEX_EYE_POSITION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_VERTEX_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CULL_VERTEX_OBJECT_POSITION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_ATTRIB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_BINORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORDINATE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORDINATE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_INDEX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_OCCLUSION_QUERY_ID_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_QUERY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GL_CURRENT_RASTER_NORMAL_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_TANGENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_TIME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_WEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_CURRENT_WEIGHT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_D3D12_FENCE_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DARKEN_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DARKEN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DATA_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_API_ERROR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_DEPRECATION_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_OTHER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_SHADER_COMPILER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_CATEGORY_WINDOW_SYSTEM_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_DECODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DECR_WRAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEDICATED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEFORMATIONS_MASK_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPENDENT_AR_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPENDENT_GB_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPENDENT_HILO_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPENDENT_RGB_TEXTURE_3D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPENDENT_RGB_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_TEST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_FLOAT_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_CLAMP_FAR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_CLAMP_NEAR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_CLAMP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_BGRA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_RGBA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_LEVEL_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DETAIL_TEXTURE_MODE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEVICE_LUID_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEVICE_NODE_MASK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DEVICE_UUID_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DIFFERENCE_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DIFFERENCE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISCARD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISCARD_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISCRETE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISJOINT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISPLAY_LIST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_AFFINE_DEPTH_REPLACE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_CONST_EYE_REFLECT_CUBE_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_DEPTH_REPLACE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_DIFFUSE_CUBE_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_PASS_THROUGH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_REFLECT_CUBE_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_TEXTURE_1D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_TEXTURE_3D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT_PRODUCT_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT2_ADD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT3_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT3_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_DOT3_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvDot3
GL_DOT3_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT3_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvDot3
GL_DOT3_RGBA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOT4_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_VEC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_VEC3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DOUBLE_VEC4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ARRAYS_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ARRAYS_INSTANCED_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ARRAYS_STRIP_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ELEMENTS_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ELEMENTS_INSTANCED_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_ELEMENTS_STRIP_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRAW_PIXELS_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DRIVER_UUID_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DS_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DS_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT_MAG_INTENSITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT_MAG_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT_MAG_VIB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT8_MAG8_INTENSITY8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT8_MAG8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DSDT8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DST_ATOP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DST_IN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DST_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DST_OUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DST_OVER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DT_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DT_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DU8DV8_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_ALPHA12_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_ALPHA16_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_ALPHA4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_ALPHA8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_INTENSITY12_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_INTENSITY16_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_INTENSITY4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_INTENSITY8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE12_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE16_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_LUMINANCE8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUAL_TEXTURE_SELECT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUDV_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUP_FIRST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DUP_LAST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DYNAMIC_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DYNAMIC_COPY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_DYNAMIC_READ_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_E_TIMES_F_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EDGEFLAG_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EFFECTIVE_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EIGHTH_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ADDRESS_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_POINTER_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_POINTER_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_TYPE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_TYPE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_UNIFIED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EMBOSS_CONSTANT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EMBOSS_LIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EMBOSS_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXCLUSION_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXCLUSION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXCLUSIVE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXPAND_NEGATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXPAND_NORMAL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EXT_422_pixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_abgr - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_bgra - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_bindable_uniform - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_color - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_func_separate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_logic_op - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_minmax - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_blend_subtract - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_cmyka - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_color_subtable - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_convolution - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_coordinate_frame - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_copy_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_cull_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_debug_label - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_debug_marker - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_direct_state_access - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_draw_instanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_draw_range_elements - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_EGL_sync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_external_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_fog_coord - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_framebuffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_histogram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_index_array_formats - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_index_func - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_index_material - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_index_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_light_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_memory_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_memory_object_fd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_memory_object_win32 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_misc_attribute - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_multiview_tessellation_geometry_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_packed_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_packed_pixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_paletted_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_pixel_transform - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_pixel_transform_color_table - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_point_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_polygon_offset - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_provoking_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_raster_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_rescale_normal - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_secondary_color - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_semaphore - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_semaphore_fd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_semaphore_win32 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_stencil_clear_tag - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_stencil_wrap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_subtexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_cube_map - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_env_add - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_integer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_perturb_normal - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_snorm - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_storage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture_swizzle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_texture3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_timer_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_transform_feedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_vertex_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_vertex_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_vertex_weighting - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_window_rectangles - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXT_x11_sync_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_DISTANCE_TO_LINE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_DISTANCE_TO_POINT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_LINE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_LINEAR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_EYE_PLANE_ABSOLUTE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_POINT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FACTOR_MAX_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FACTOR_MIN_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FAILURE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FENCE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FENCE_CONDITION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FENCE_STATUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIELD_LOWER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIELD_UPPER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIELDS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FILE_NAME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FILL_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FILTER4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIRST_TO_REST_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIXED_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FIXED_ONLY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_CLEAR_COLOR_VALUE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_MAT2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT_MAT3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT_MAT4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT_R_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_R16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_R32_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RG_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RG16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RG32_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGB16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGB32_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGBA_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGBA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGBA16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_RGBA32_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT_VEC2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT_VEC3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT_VEC4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_FLOAT16_MAT2_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT2x3_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT2x4_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT3_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT3x2_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT3x4_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT4_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT4x2_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_MAT4x3_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FLOAT16_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORD_SRC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_DISTANCE_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_FUNC_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_OFFSET_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_OFFSET_VALUE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FOG_SPECULAR_TEXTURE_WIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_ASCENDER_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_DESCENDER_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_GLYPHS_AVAILABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_HEIGHT_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_HEIGHT_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_WIDTH_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_NUM_GLYPH_INDICES_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_UNAVAILABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_UNDERLINE_POSITION_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_UNINTELLIGIBLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_UNITS_PER_EM_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_X_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_X_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_Y_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FONT_Y_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FORCE_BLUE_TO_ONE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FORCE_CHECK_ALL - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
Forcing check all method handles for GL.
GL_FORMAT_SUBSAMPLE_24_24_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FORMAT_SUBSAMPLE_244_244_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COLOR_MATERIAL_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COVERAGE_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_COVERAGE_TO_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT_MODEL_NORMAL_INTERPOLATION_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT0_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT1_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT2_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT3_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT4_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT5_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT6_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT7_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHTING_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_MATERIAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_NORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DISCARDS_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_FRAME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_BASE_VIEW_INDEX_OVR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_NUM_VIEWS_OVR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_X_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_COUNT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_VIEW_TARGETS_OVR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SWAP_XY_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEZOOM_FACTOR_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRAMEZOOM_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FRONT_FACE_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FULL_RANGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FULL_STIPPLE_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GENERIC_ATTRIB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_DEFORMATION_BIT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_DEFORMATION_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_EMITTED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLOBAL_ALPHA_FACTOR_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLOBAL_ALPHA_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_HEIGHT_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GLYPH_WIDTH_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_CURRENT_AVAILABLE_VIDMEM_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_DEDICATED_VIDMEM_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_EVICTED_MEMORY_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_EVICTION_COUNT_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GPU_MEMORY_INFO_TOTAL_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREEN_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREEN_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREEN_MAX_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREEN_MIN_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREEN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_GREMEDY_frame_terminator - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_GREMEDY_string_marker - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_HALF_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HALF_BIAS_NEGATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HALF_BIAS_NORMAL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HALF_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HALF_FLOAT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_IMAGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_IMAGE_KMT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_FENCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_RESOURCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_TILEPOOL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HARDLIGHT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HARDLIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HARDMIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HI_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HI_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HILO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HILO16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HILO8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HORIZONTAL_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HP_convolution_border_modes - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_HP_image_transform - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_HP_occlusion_test - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_HP_texture_lighting - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_HSL_COLOR_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_HUE_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_HUE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_LUMINOSITY_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_LUMINOSITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_SATURATION_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_HSL_SATURATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IBM_cull_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IBM_static_data - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_IDENTITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IGNORE_BORDER_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_2D_RECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_ACCESS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_LAYER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_LAYERED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_LEVEL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BINDING_NAME_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_CUBE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_CUBIC_WEIGHT_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_MAG_FILTER_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_MIN_FILTER_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_ROTATE_ANGLE_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_ROTATE_ORIGIN_X_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_ROTATE_ORIGIN_Y_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_SCALE_X_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_SCALE_Y_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_TRANSFORM_2D_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_TRANSLATE_X_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMAGE_TRANSLATE_Y_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INCLUSIVE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INCR_WRAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_MATERIAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_MATERIAL_FACE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_MATERIAL_PARAMETER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_TEST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_TEST_FUNC_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INDEX_TEST_REF_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INGR_color_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INGR_interlace_read - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_INT_SAMPLER_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT_VEC2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_INT_VEC3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_INT_VEC4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_INT16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT16_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT16_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT16_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT64_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_INT64_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT64_VEC2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_INT64_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT64_VEC3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_INT64_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT64_VEC4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_INT64_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT8_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT8_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INT8_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTEL_blackhole_render - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_map_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTEL_performance_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_INTENSITY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_INTENSITY16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_INTENSITY32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTENSITY8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLACE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLACE_READ_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLACE_READ_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLACE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INTERPOLATE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_INTERPOLATE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVARIANT_DATATYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVARIANT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVARIANT_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVERSE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVERSE_TRANSPOSE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVERT_OVG_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_INVERT_RGB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ITALIC_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IUI_N3F_V2F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IUI_N3F_V3F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IUI_V2F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_IUI_V3F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_context_flush_control - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_debug - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_no_error - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_robustness - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_shader_subgroup - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAST_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_GENERAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_LINEAR_CPU_CACHED_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_LINEAR_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LERP_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LGPU_SEPARATE_STORAGE_BIT_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIGHT_ENV_MODE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIGHT_MODEL_SPECULAR_VECTOR_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIGHTEN_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIGHTEN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINE_WIDTH_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_DETAIL_ALPHA_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_DETAIL_COLOR_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_DETAIL_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_SHARPEN_ALPHA_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_SHARPEN_COLOR_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_SHARPEN_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEAR_TILING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEARBURN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEARDODGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINEARLIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LINES_ADJACENCY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_LINES_ADJACENCY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LIST_PRIORITY_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LO_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LO_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LOCAL_CONSTANT_DATATYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LOCAL_CONSTANT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LOCAL_CONSTANT_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LOCAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_LUID_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_LUMINANCE16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_LUMINANCE32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_LUMINANCE8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAGNITUDE_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAGNITUDE_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP_ATTRIB_U_ORDER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP_ATTRIB_V_ORDER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAP_STENCIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_BINORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_TANGENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_BINORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_TANGENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_AMBIENT_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_COLOR_INDEXES_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_DIFFUSE_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_EMISSION_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_SHININESS_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAT_SPECULAR_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATERIAL_SIDE_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX0_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX1_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX10_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX11_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX12_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX13_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX14_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX15_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX16_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX17_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX18_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX19_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX20_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX21_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX22_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX23_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX24_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX25_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX26_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX27_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX28_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX29_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX30_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX31_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX5_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX5_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX6_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX6_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX7_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX7_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX8_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MATRIX9_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_4D_TEXTURE_SIZE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ACTIVE_LIGHTS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ASYNC_DRAW_PIXELS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ASYNC_READ_PIXELS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ASYNC_TEX_IMAGE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_BINDABLE_UNIFORM_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COMBINED_IMAGE_UNITS_AND_FRAGMENT_OUTPUTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COMBINED_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COMBINED_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_COMPUTE_FIXED_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
GL_MAX_COMPUTE_FIXED_GROUP_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
GL_MAX_COMPUTE_VARIABLE_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
GL_MAX_COMPUTE_VARIABLE_GROUP_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GL_MAX_DEEP_3D_TEXTURE_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DEEP_3D_TEXTURE_WIDTH_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DEFORMATION_ORDER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FOG_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_BINDABLE_UNIFORMS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LIGHTS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_FRAMEZOOM_FACTOR_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_BINDABLE_UNIFORMS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_INVOCATIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_IMAGE_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_IMAGE_UNITS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_LGPU_GPUS_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MATRIX_PALETTE_STACK_DEPTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_MULTISAMPLE_COVERAGE_MODES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_OPTIMIZED_VERTEX_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_OPTIMIZED_VERTEX_SHADER_INVARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_OPTIMIZED_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCAL_CONSTANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_OPTIMIZED_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCALS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_OPTIMIZED_VERTEX_SHADER_VARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PIXEL_TRANSFORM_2D_STACK_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIB_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_EXEC_INSTRUCTIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_GENERIC_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_GENERIC_RESULTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_BINDINGS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PATCH_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_RESULT_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_SUBROUTINE_NUM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_SUBROUTINE_PARAMETERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureGather
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureGather
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_RATIONAL_EVAL_ORDER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureRectangle
GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SHADER_BUFFER_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SHADER_COMPILER_THREADS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBParallelShaderCompile
GL_MAX_SHADER_COMPILER_THREADS_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SHININESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SPARSE_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SPARSE_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_MAX_SPARSE_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_MAX_SPARSE_TEXTURE_SIZE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SPARSE_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_MAX_SPOT_EXPONENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_SUBPIXEL_PRECISION_BIAS_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_DIFFERENCE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRACK_MATRICES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRACK_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_ELEMENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_BINDABLE_UNIFORMS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_INVARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCAL_CONSTANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCALS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_VARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MAX_VIEWS_OVR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
GL_MAX_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_ALIGNMENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_x - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_framebuffer_swap_xy - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_pack_invert - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_program_binary_formats - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_resize_buffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_tile_raster_order - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_window_pos - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESAX_texture_stack - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_PRIMITIVE_GRANULARITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_VERTEX_GRANULARITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_LOD_WARNING_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureGather
GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleShading
GL_MIN_SPARSE_LEVEL_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MINMAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MINMAX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MINMAX_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MINMAX_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MINMAX_SINK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MINMAX_SINK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MINUS_CLAMPED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MINUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureMirroredRepeat
GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MITER_REVERT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MITER_TRUNCATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIXED_DEPTH_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MIXED_STENCIL_SAMPLES_SUPPORTED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW0_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW0_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW0_STACK_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW1_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW1_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW1_STACK_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW10_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW11_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW12_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW13_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW14_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW15_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW16_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW17_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW18_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW19_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW20_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW21_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW22_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW23_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW24_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW25_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW26_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW27_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW28_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW29_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW30_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW31_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW5_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW6_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW7_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW8_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODELVIEW9_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODULATE_SIGNED_ADD_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MODULATE_SUBTRACT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MOV_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MOVE_TO_CONTINUES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MOVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MOVE_TO_RESETS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MUL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTICAST_GPUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTICAST_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTIPLY_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTIPLY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_COVERAGE_MODES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_FILTER_HINT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
GL_MULTISAMPLE_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
GL_MULTISAMPLE_RASTERIZATION_ALLOWED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MULTISAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_MVP_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NAMED_STRING_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
GL_NAMED_STRING_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
GL_NATIVE_GRAPHICS_BEGIN_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NATIVE_GRAPHICS_END_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NATIVE_GRAPHICS_HANDLE_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATE_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATIVE_ONE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATIVE_W_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATIVE_X_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATIVE_Y_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEGATIVE_Z_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEXT_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NEXT_VIDEO_CAPTURE_BUFFER_STATUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_NOP_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_PARALLEL_POINTERS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_NORMAL_MAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMAL_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NORMALIZED_RANGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_NUM_DEVICE_UUIDS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_FILL_STREAMS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_PASSES_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_SPARSE_LEVELS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_TILING_TYPES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STREAMS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NUM_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_NUM_WINDOW_RECTANGLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_bindless_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_blend_square - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_command_list - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_compute_program5 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conditional_render - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conservative_raster - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conservative_raster_dilate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_conservative_raster_underestimation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_copy_image - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_deep_texture3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_depth_buffer_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_depth_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_draw_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_evaluators - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_explicit_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fence - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fill_rectangle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_float_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fog_distance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_program - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_program_option - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_program2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_program4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_geometry_program4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_geometry_shader4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_gpu_multicast - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_gpu_program4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_gpu_program5 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_gpu_shader5 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_half_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_light_max_exponent - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_memory_attachment - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_memory_object_sparse - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_mesh_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_multisample_coverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_occlusion_query - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_path_rendering - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_pixel_data_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_point_sprite - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_present_video - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_primitive_restart - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_primitive_shading_rate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_query_resource - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_query_resource_tag - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_register_combiners - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_register_combiners2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_representative_fragment_test - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_sample_locations - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_scissor_exclusive - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_atomic_float - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_buffer_load - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_buffer_store - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_thread_group - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_shading_rate_image - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_tessellation_program5 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texgen_emboss - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texgen_reflection - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_barrier - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_expand_normal - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_rectangle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_shader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_shader2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_texture_shader3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_timeline_semaphore - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_transform_feedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_transform_feedback2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vdpau_interop - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vdpau_interop2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_array_range - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program2_option - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program3 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_vertex_program4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_video_capture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_viewport_array2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NV_viewport_swizzle - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_conditional_render - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_gpu_multicast2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_NVX_progress_fence - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_ATTACHED_OBJECTS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_SIZE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_BUFFER_USAGE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_DELETE_STATUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_DISTANCE_TO_LINE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_DISTANCE_TO_POINT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_LINE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_LINEAR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_POINT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OBJECT_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OBJECT_VALIDATE_STATUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_OCCLUSION_QUERY_EVENT_MASK_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_RESULT_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OES_byte_coordinates - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OES_fixed_point - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OES_query_matrix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OES_read_format - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OES_single_precision - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OFFSET_HILO_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_HILO_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_HILO_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_HILO_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_2D_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_PROJECTIVE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_2D_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_2D_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_2D_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OML_interlace - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OML_resample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OML_subsample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_ONE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_ADD_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_CLAMP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_CROSS_PRODUCT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_DOT3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_DOT4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_EXP_BASE_2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_FLOOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_FRAC_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_INDEX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_LOG_BASE_2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MADD_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MAX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MIN_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MOV_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MUL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_MULTIPLY_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_NEGATE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_POWER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_RECIP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_RECIP_SQRT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_ROUND_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_SET_GE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_SET_LT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OP_SUB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND0_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND0_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND1_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND1_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND2_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_OPERAND2_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPERAND3_RGB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OPTIMAL_TILING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_COLOR0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_COLOR1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_FOG_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD0_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD10_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD11_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD13_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD14_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD15_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD17_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD18_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD19_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD20_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD21_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD22_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD23_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD24_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD25_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD26_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD27_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD28_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD29_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD30_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD31_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD6_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD7_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_COORD9_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OUTPUT_VERTEX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OVERLAY_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OVERLAY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_OVR_multiview - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_OVR_multiview2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_PACK_CMYK_HINT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_IMAGE_DEPTH_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_INVERT_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_RESAMPLE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_RESAMPLE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_ROW_BYTES_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_SKIP_VOLUMES_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PACK_SUBSAMPLE_RATE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PARALLEL_ARRAYS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PARAMETER_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
GL_PARAMETER_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
GL_PARTIAL_SUCCESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PASS_THROUGH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_CLIENT_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_COMMAND_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_COMPUTED_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_COORD_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_COVER_DEPTH_FUNC_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_DASH_ARRAY_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_DASH_CAPS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_DASH_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_END_CAPS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FILL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FILL_COVER_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FILL_MASK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FOG_GEN_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PATH_FORMAT_PS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_FORMAT_SVG_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_GEN_COLOR_FORMAT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_GEN_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_INITIAL_DASH_CAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_INITIAL_END_CAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_JOIN_STYLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MITER_LIMIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MODELVIEW_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_PROJECTION_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_PROJECTION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STENCIL_DEPTH_OFFSET_FACTOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STENCIL_DEPTH_OFFSET_UNITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STENCIL_FUNC_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STENCIL_REF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STROKE_COVER_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STROKE_MASK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_TERMINAL_DASH_CAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_TERMINAL_END_CAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PATH_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PER_GPU_STORAGE_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PER_GPU_STORAGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PER_STAGE_CONSTANTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERCENTAGE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERFMON_RESULT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERFMON_RESULT_AVAILABLE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERFMON_RESULT_SIZE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_BOOL32_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_DOUBLE_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT32_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DESC_LENGTH_MAX_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DURATION_NORM_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DURATION_RAW_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_EVENT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_NAME_LENGTH_MAX_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_RAW_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_THROUGHPUT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_COUNTER_TIMESTAMP_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_DONOT_FLUSH_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_FLUSH_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_GLOBAL_CONTEXT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_GPA_EXTENDED_COUNTERS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_QUERY_NAME_LENGTH_MAX_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_SINGLE_CONTEXT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERFQUERY_WAIT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
GL_PERTURB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PGI_misc_hints - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_PGI_vertex_hints - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_PHONG_HINT_WIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PHONG_WIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PINLIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_COUNT_AVAILABLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_COUNTER_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_CUBIC_WEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_FRAGMENT_ALPHA_SOURCE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_FRAGMENT_RGB_SOURCE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_GROUP_COLOR_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_MAG_FILTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_MIN_FILTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPixelBufferObject
GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPixelBufferObject
GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLE_2424_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLE_4242_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLE_4444_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TEX_GEN_MODE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TEX_GEN_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TEXTURE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_BEST_ALIGNMENT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_INCREMENT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_SIZE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_GRID_DEPTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_GRID_HEIGHT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_HEIGHT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TRANSFORM_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TRANSFORM_2D_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_TRANSFORM_2D_STACK_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPixelBufferObject
GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPixelBufferObject
GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_Y_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PLUS_CLAMPED_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PLUS_CLAMPED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PLUS_DARKER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PLUS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_QUADRATIC_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_CUBIC_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PN_TRIANGLES_TESSELATION_LEVEL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SPRITE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POINT_SPRITE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SPRITE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POINT_SPRITE_R_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_CLAMP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_IMAGE_TRANSFORM_COLOR_TABLE_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_RANGE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_RANGE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PREFER_DOUBLEBUFFER_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRESENT_DURATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRESENT_TIME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRESERVE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PREVIOUS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_PREVIOUS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PREVIOUS_TEXTURE_INPUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMARY_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVE_BOUNDING_BOX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
GL_PRIMITIVE_ID_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PRIMITIVES_SUBMITTED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ATTRIB_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMAT_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_RESIDENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_RESULT_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_STRING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_STRING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_TARGET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATION_TABLE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_LOCATION_TABLE_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROTECTED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PROXY_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_POST_IMAGE_TRANSFORM_COLOR_TABLE_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_STACK_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_STACK_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_4D_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureRectangle
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PURGEABLE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_PURGED_CONTEXT_RESET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_ALPHA4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_ALPHA8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_INTENSITY4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_INTENSITY8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_LUMINANCE4_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_LUMINANCE8_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_MESH_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUAD_TEXTURE_SELECT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUADS_FOLLOW_PROVOKING_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUARTER_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_ALL_EVENT_BITS_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GL_QUERY_DEPTH_BOUNDS_FAIL_EVENT_BIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_DEPTH_FAIL_EVENT_BIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_DEPTH_PASS_EVENT_BIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_NO_WAIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_OBJECT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_BUFFEROBJECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_MEMTYPE_VIDMEM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_SYS_RESERVED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPE_VIDMEM_ALLOC_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GL_QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_STENCIL_FAIL_EVENT_BIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_QUERY_WAIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R11F_G11F_B10F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_C3F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_C4F_N3F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_C4UB_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_N3F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_T2F_N3F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_T2F_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R1UI_V3F_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_R8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTER_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTER_POSITION_UNCLIPPED_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_ONLY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_POINTER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_READ_WRITE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RECLAIM_MEMORY_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_MAX_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_MIN_CLAMP_INGR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REDUCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_REDUCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFERENCE_PLANE_EQUATION_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFERENCE_PLANE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFLECTION_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_REFLECTION_MAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REFLECTION_MAP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_0_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_1_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_10_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_11_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_12_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_13_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_14_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_15_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_17_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_18_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_19_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_2_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_20_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_21_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_22_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_23_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_24_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_25_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_26_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_27_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_28_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_29_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_3_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_30_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_31_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_4_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_5_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_6_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_7_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_8_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REG_9_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_RECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_SMOOTH_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_SMOOTH_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELATIVE_VERTICAL_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RELEASED_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REND_screen_coordinates - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_RENDER_GPU_MASK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_FREE_MEMORY_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACE_MIDDLE_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACE_OLDEST_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACE_VALUE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACEMENT_CODE_ARRAY_POINTER_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACEMENT_CODE_ARRAY_STRIDE_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACEMENT_CODE_ARRAY_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACEMENT_CODE_ARRAY_TYPE_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLACEMENT_CODE_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPLICATE_BORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_REPLICATE_BORDER_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_TEST_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_AVERAGE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_DECIMATE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_DECIMATE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_REPLICATE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_REPLICATE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_ZERO_FILL_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESAMPLE_ZERO_FILL_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESCALE_NORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_RESTART_PATH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RESTART_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RETAINED_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RG16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RG32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RG8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_422_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_RAW_422_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_RGB_SCALE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB10_A2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB10_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_RGB16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_RGB32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB5_A1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGB9_E5_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_INTEGER_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_SIGNED_COMPONENTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA_UNSIGNED_DOT_PRODUCT_MAPPING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA12_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA16F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_RGBA16F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA16I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA16UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA32F_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_RGBA32F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA32I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA32UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA8I_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_RGBA8UI_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ROUND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ROUNDED_RECT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ROUNDED_RECT2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ROUNDED_RECT4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ROUNDED_RECT8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_S - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_S3_s3tc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_MASK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_MASK_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_HEIGHT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_WIDTH_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_PIXEL_GRID_WIDTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_SUBPIXEL_BITS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GL_SAMPLE_LOCATION_SUBPIXEL_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_INVERT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_INVERT_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_PATTERN_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_PATTERN_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_POSITION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLE_SHADING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleShading
GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_3D_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_OBJECT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLER_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLES_3DFX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GL_SAMPLES_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SATURATE_BIT_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALAR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALE_BY_FOUR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALE_BY_ONE_HALF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALE_BY_TWO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALEBIAS_HINT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALED_RESOLVE_FASTEST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCALED_RESOLVE_NICEST_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCISSOR_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCISSOR_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCREEN_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SCREEN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SECONDARY_INTERPOLATOR_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_BINARY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEMAPHORE_TYPE_TIMELINE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEPARABLE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SEPARABLE_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SET_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SGI_color_matrix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGI_color_table - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGI_texture_color_table - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_detail_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_fog_function - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_multisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_pixel_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_point_line_texgen - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_point_parameters - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_sharpen_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_color_mask - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_filter4 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_lod - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture_select - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIS_texture4D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_async - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_async_histogram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_async_pixel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_calligraphic_fragment - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_clipmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_convolution_accuracy - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_depth_pass_instrument - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_depth_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_flush_raster - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_fog_offset - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_fragment_lighting - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_framezoom - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_igloo_interface - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_instruments - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_interlace - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_ir_instrument1 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_list_priority - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_pixel_texture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_pixel_tiles - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_polynomial_ffd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_reference_plane - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_resample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_scalebias_hint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_shadow - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_sprite - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_subsample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_tag_sample_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_texture_add_env - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_texture_lod_bias - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_texture_multi_buffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_texture_scale_bias - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_vertex_preclip - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_ycrcb - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_ycrcb_subsample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SGIX_ycrcba - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMAT_SPIR_V_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGLSpirv
GL_SHADER_CONSISTENT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADER_GLOBAL_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADER_INCLUDE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
GL_SHADER_OBJECT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GL_SHADER_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADER_OPERATION_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_1X2_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X1_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X2_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X4_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X2_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X4_PIXELS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_2_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_4_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_8_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PER_PRIMITIVE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_WIDTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADOW_AMBIENT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHADOW_ATTENUATION_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHARED_EDGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SHARPEN_TEXTURE_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_ALPHA8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_HILO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_HILO16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_HILO8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_IDENTITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_INTENSITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_INTENSITY8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_LUMINANCE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_LUMINANCE8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_NEGATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGB_UNSIGNED_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGB8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGB8_UNSIGNED_ALPHA8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGBA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SIGNED_RGBA8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SINGLE_COLOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_COMPONENTS1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_COMPONENTS2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_COMPONENTS3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_COMPONENTS4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SKIP_MISSING_GLYPH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SLICE_ACCUM_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SLUMINANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SLUMINANCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SLUMINANCE8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SLUMINANCE8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SM_COUNT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SMOOTH_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SMOOTH_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOFTLIGHT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOFTLIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE0_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE0_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE1_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE1_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE2_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SOURCE2_RGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SOURCE3_RGB_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPARE0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPARE0_PLUS_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPARE1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPARSE_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
GL_SPARSE_STORAGE_BIT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
GL_SPARSE_TEXTURE_FULL_ARRAY_CUBE_MIPMAPS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_SPIR_V_BINARY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGLSpirv
GL_SPIR_V_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_AXIAL_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_AXIS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_EYE_ALIGNED_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_MODE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_OBJECT_ALIGNED_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SPRITE_TRANSLATION_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SQUARE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SR8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC_ATOP_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC_IN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC_OUT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC_OVER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRC0_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SRC0_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SRC1_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SRC2_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SRC2_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SRG8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRGB_ALPHA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRGB_DECODE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_SRGB_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SRGB8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STATIC_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STATIC_READ_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STATIC_VERTEX_ARRAY_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_BACK_OP_VALUE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_TAG_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_INDEX16_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_OP_VALUE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_REF_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_TAG_BITS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STORAGE_CLIENT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STORAGE_PRIVATE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STREAM_COPY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STREAM_RASTERIZATION_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STREAM_READ_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STRICT_DEPTHFUNC_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STRICT_LIGHTING_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_STRICT_SCISSOR_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUB_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BALLOT_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_CLUSTERED_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_PARTITIONED_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_RELATIVE_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_QUAD_ALL_STAGES_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_SIZE_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBGROUP_SUPPORTED_STAGES_KHR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBPIXEL_PRECISION_BIAS_X_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBPIXEL_PRECISION_BIAS_Y_BITS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_SUBTRACT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GL_SUCCESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUN_convolution_border_modes - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUN_global_alpha - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUN_mesh_array - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUN_slice_accum - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUN_triangle_list - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUN_vertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUNX_constant_data - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_X_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_Y_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SURFACE_MAPPED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SURFACE_REGISTERED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SURFACE_STATE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_DQ_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STR_DR_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_DQ_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SYNC_CL_EVENT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBCLEvent
GL_SYNC_CL_EVENT_COMPLETE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBCLEvent
GL_SYNC_X11_FENCE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_T2F_IUI_N3F_V2F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_T2F_IUI_N3F_V3F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_T2F_IUI_V2F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_T2F_IUI_V3F_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TANGENT_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TANGENT_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TANGENT_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TANGENT_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TASK_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TERMINATE_SEQUENCE_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_TESSELLATION_FACTOR_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TESSELLATION_MODE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXCOORD1_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXCOORD2_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXCOORD3_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXCOORD4_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_1D_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_1D_STACK_BINDING_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_1D_STACK_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_2D_STACK_BINDING_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_2D_STACK_MESAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_3D_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_4D_BINDING_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_4D_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_4DSIZE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_APPLICATION_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureRectangle
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_VALUES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_FORMAT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_LOD_OFFSET_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_WRITEMASK_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadowAmbient
GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadow
GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadow
GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_OPERATOR_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GL_TEXTURE_CONSTANT_DATA_SUNX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_PARALLEL_POINTERS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DEFORMATION_BIT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DEFORMATION_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_DS_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_DT_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_ENV_BIAS_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_FILTER4_SIZE_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_FREE_MEMORY_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_GEQUAL_R_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_HI_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_INDEX_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_LEQUAL_R_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LIGHTING_MODE_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LO_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_R_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_S_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_T_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_MAG_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MATERIAL_FACE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MATERIAL_PARAMETER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_R_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_S_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_T_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MEMORY_LAYOUT_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_MULTI_BUFFER_HINT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_NORMAL_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_POST_SPECULAR_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_PRE_SPECULAR_HP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_LENGTH_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_POINTER_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureRectangle
GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RED_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFilterMinmax
GL_TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RENDERBUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SHARED_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SPARSE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_SPARSE_BIT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_TILING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_REMAP_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_Q_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TEXTURE0_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE1_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE10_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE11_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE12_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE13_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE14_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE15_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE16_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE17_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE18_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE19_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE20_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE21_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE22_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE23_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE24_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE25_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE26_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE27_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE28_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE29_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE30_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE31_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE5_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE6_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE7_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE8_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TEXTURE9_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GL_TILE_RASTER_ORDER_FIXED_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TILE_RASTER_ORDER_INCREASING_X_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TILE_RASTER_ORDER_INCREASING_Y_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TILING_TYPES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRACK_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRACK_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ATTRIBS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_OVERFLOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransformFeedbackOverflowQuery
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_RECORD_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_OVERFLOW_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransformFeedbackOverflowQuery
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSFORM_HINT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSLATE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSLATE_3D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSLATE_Y_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_2D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_3D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
GL_TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
GL_TRANSPOSE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_PROGRAM_MATRIX_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
GL_TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
GL_TRIANGLE_LIST_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRIANGLE_MESH_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_TRIANGULAR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNCORRELATED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNDEFINED_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_ADDRESS_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_UNIFIED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GL_UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_CMYK_HINT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_CONSTANT_DATA_SUNX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_DEPTH_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_RESAMPLE_OML - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_RESAMPLE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_ROW_BYTES_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_SKIP_VOLUMES_SGIS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNPACK_SUBSAMPLE_RATE_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_S8_S8_REV_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_S8_S8_8_8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_RENDERBUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT16_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT16_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT16_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC2_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC3_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC4_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT8_VEC2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT8_VEC3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INT8_VEC4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_INVERT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UPLOAD_GPU_MASK_NVX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_USE_MISSING_GLYPH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UTF16_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UTF8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_UUID_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_A_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_B_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_C_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_D_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_E_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_F_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIABLE_G_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_DATATYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VARIANT_VALUE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VBO_FREE_MEMORY_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VECTOR_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_LIST_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_LIST_STRIDE_IBM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_OBJECT_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_OBJECT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_PARALLEL_POINTERS_INTEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_LENGTH_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_POINTER_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_POINTER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_VALID_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_WITHOUT_FLUSH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInstancedArrays
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_UNIFIED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY1_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY10_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY11_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY12_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY13_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY14_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY15_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY2_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY3_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY4_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY5_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY6_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY7_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY8_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY9_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP1_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP1_COEFF_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP1_DOMAIN_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP1_ORDER_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP1_SIZE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP2_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP2_COEFF_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP2_DOMAIN_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP2_ORDER_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAP2_SIZE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_BLEND_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_CONSISTENT_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_DATA_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ELEMENT_SWIZZLE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ID_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_ID_SWIZZLE_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PRECLIP_HINT_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PRECLIP_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BINDING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_INSTRUCTIONS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_INVARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCAL_CONSTANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_LOCALS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_OPTIMIZED_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SHADER_VARIANTS_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_SOURCE_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STATE_PROGRAM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM0_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM1_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM2_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM3_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM4_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM5_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM6_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_STREAM7_ATI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHT_ARRAY_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX_WEIGHTING_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX23_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTEX4_BIT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTICAL_LINE_TO_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VERTICES_SUBMITTED_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GL_VIBRANCE_BIAS_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIBRANCE_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_BINDING_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_PITCH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_FIELD_LOWER_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_FIELD_UPPER_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_HEIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_WIDTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_SURFACE_ORIGIN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_CAPTURE_TO_422_SUPPORTED_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MATRIX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_OFFSET_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GL_VIEWPORT_COMMAND_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_POSITION_W_SCALE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_POSITION_W_SCALE_X_COEFF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_POSITION_W_SCALE_Y_COEFF_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_NEGATIVE_W_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_NEGATIVE_X_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_NEGATIVE_Y_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_NEGATIVE_Z_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_POSITIVE_W_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_POSITIVE_X_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_POSITIVE_Y_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_POSITIVE_Z_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_W_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_X_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_Y_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIEWPORT_SWIZZLE_Z_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_INDEX_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_X_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_X_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_Y_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_Y_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_Z_AMD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE_Z_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GL_VIVIDLIGHT_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_VOLATILE_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_W_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WARP_SIZE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WARPS_PER_SM_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFilterMinmax
GL_WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WIDE_LINE_HINT_PGI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WIN_phong_shading - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_WIN_specular_fog - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
The OpenGL extension flags.
GL_WINDOW_RECTANGLE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WINDOW_RECTANGLE_MODE_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRAP_BORDER_SUN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRITE_DISCARD_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRITE_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_LENGTH_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRITE_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_WRITE_PIXEL_DATA_RANGE_POINTER_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_X_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_XOR_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Y_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCBAYCR8A_4224_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCBCR_MESA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCBYCR8_422_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCRCB_422_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCRCB_444_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCRCB_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_YCRCBA_SGIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4A12Z4Y12Z4CR12Z4A12_4224_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4CR12_444_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4Y12Z4CR12_422_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6A10Z6Y10Z6CR10Z6A10_4224_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6Y10Z6CR10_422_NV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL_ZERO_EXT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
GL10 - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.0 functions.
GL10() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL10
GL10C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.0 forward compatible functions.
GL10C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
GL11 - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.1 functions.
GL11() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GL11C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.1 forward compatible functions.
GL11C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
GL12 - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.2 constants.
GL12() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL12
GL12C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.2 forward compatible functions.
GL12C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
GL13 - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.3 functions.
GL13() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL13
GL13C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.3 forward compatible functions.
GL13C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
GL14 - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.4 functions.
GL14() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL14
GL14C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.4 forward compatible functions.
GL14C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
GL15C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 1.5 forward compatible functions.
GL15C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
GL20C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 2.0 forward compatible functions.
GL20C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
GL21C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 2.1 forward compatible functions.
GL21C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
GL30C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 3.0 core profile functions.
GL30C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
GL31C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 3.1 core profile functions.
GL31C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
GL32C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 3.2 core profile functions.
GL32C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
GL33C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 3.3 core profile functions.
GL33C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
GL3DFXTbuffer - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GL3DFXTbuffer() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GL3DFXTbuffer
GL40C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.0 core profile functions.
GL40C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
GL41C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.1 core profile functions.
GL41C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
GL42C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.2 core profile functions.
GL42C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
GL43C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.3 core profile functions.
GL43C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
GL44C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.4 core profile functions.
GL44C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
GL45C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.5 core profile functions.
GL45C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
GL46C - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL 4.6 core profile functions.
GL46C() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
glAccum - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glActiveShaderProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glActiveTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glActiveTextureARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glActiveTextureARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glAlphaFunc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLAMDDebugOutput - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDDebugOutput() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced
GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
GLAMDInterleavedElements - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDInterleavedElements() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDInterleavedElements
GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect
GLAMDNameGenDelete - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDNameGenDelete() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
GLAMDOcclusionQueryEvent - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDOcclusionQueryEvent() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDOcclusionQueryEvent
GLAMDPerformanceMonitor - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDPerformanceMonitor() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
GLAMDSamplePositions - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDSamplePositions() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSamplePositions
GLAMDSparseTexture - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDSparseTexture() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSparseTexture
GLAMDStencilOperationExtended - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDStencilOperationExtended() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDStencilOperationExtended
GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator
GLAPPLEElementArray - Class in
GLAPPLEElementArray() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEFence - Class in
GLAPPLEFence() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEFlushBufferRange - Class in
GLAPPLEFlushBufferRange() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEObjectPurgeable - Class in
GLAPPLEObjectPurgeable() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLETextureRange - Class in
GLAPPLETextureRange() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEVertexArrayObject - Class in
GLAPPLEVertexArrayObject() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEVertexArrayRange - Class in
GLAPPLEVertexArrayRange() - Constructor for class
GLAPPLEVertexProgramEvaluators - Class in
GLAPPLEVertexProgramEvaluators() - Constructor for class
glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA extension method handles.
glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELFramebufferCMAA
GLARBBindlessTexture - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBBindlessTexture() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
GLARBCLEvent - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBCLEvent() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBCLEvent
GLARBColorBufferFloat - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBColorBufferFloat() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBColorBufferFloat
GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
GLARBDebugOutput - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBDebugOutput() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GLARBDrawBuffers - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBDrawBuffers() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffers
GLARBDrawBuffersBlend - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBDrawBuffersBlend() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
GLARBDrawInstanced - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBDrawInstanced() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
GLARBES32Compatibility - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBES32Compatibility() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
GLARBFragmentProgram - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBFragmentProgram() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
GLARBGeometryShader4 - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBGeometryShader4() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
GLARBGLSpirv - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBGLSpirv() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGLSpirv
GLARBGPUShaderInt64 - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBGPUShaderInt64() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
GLARBIndirectParameters - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBIndirectParameters() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
GLARBInstancedArrays - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBInstancedArrays() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInstancedArrays
GLARBInternalformatQuery2 - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBInternalformatQuery2() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInternalformatQuery2
GLARBMatrixPalette - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBMatrixPalette() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
GLARBMultisample - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBMultisample() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultisample
GLARBMultitexture - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBMultitexture() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
GLARBOcclusionQuery - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBOcclusionQuery() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
GLARBParallelShaderCompile - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBParallelShaderCompile() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBParallelShaderCompile
GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPipelineStatisticsQuery
GLARBPixelBufferObject - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBPixelBufferObject() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPixelBufferObject
GLARBPointParameters - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBPointParameters() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
GLARBRobustness - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBRobustness() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
GLARBSampleLocations - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBSampleLocations() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GLARBSampleShading - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBSampleShading() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleShading
GLARBShaderObjects - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBShaderObjects() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
GLARBShadingLanguageInclude - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBShadingLanguageInclude() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
GLARBShadow - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBShadow() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadow
GLARBShadowAmbient - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBShadowAmbient() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadowAmbient
GLARBSparseBuffer - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBSparseBuffer() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
GLARBSparseTexture - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBSparseTexture() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
GLARBTextureBorderClamp - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureBorderClamp() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBorderClamp
GLARBTextureBufferObject - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureBufferObject() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
GLARBTextureCompression - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureCompression() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
GLARBTextureCompressionBptc - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureCompressionBptc() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompressionBptc
GLARBTextureCubeMap - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureCubeMap() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMap
GLARBTextureCubeMapArray - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureCubeMapArray() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCubeMapArray
GLARBTextureEnvCombine - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureEnvCombine() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvCombine
GLARBTextureEnvDot3 - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureEnvDot3() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureEnvDot3
GLARBTextureFilterMinmax - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureFilterMinmax() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFilterMinmax
GLARBTextureFloat - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureFloat() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureFloat
GLARBTextureGather - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureGather() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureGather
GLARBTextureMirroredRepeat - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureMirroredRepeat() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureMirroredRepeat
GLARBTextureRectangle - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTextureRectangle() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureRectangle
GLARBTransformFeedbackOverflowQuery - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTransformFeedbackOverflowQuery() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransformFeedbackOverflowQuery
GLARBTransposeMatrix - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
GLARBTransposeMatrix() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
glAreTexturesResident - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glArrayElement - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glAttachObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glAttachObjectARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glAttachShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glBegin - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glBeginConditionalRender - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBeginPerfMonitorAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glBeginPerfMonitorAMD(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glBeginPerfQueryINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glBeginPerfQueryINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glBeginQuery - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glBeginQueryARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glBeginQueryARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glBeginQueryIndexed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBeginTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindAttribLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glBindBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glBindBufferBase - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindBuffersBase - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBindBuffersRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBindFragDataLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindFragDataLocationIndexed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glBindFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindImageTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glBindImageTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBindProgramARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glBindProgramARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glBindProgramPipeline - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glBindRenderbuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindSampler - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glBindSamplers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBindTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glBindTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBindTextureUnit - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glBindTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBindVertexArray - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBindVertexArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object extension method handles.
glBindVertexArrayAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glBindVertexBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glBindVertexBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBitmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glBlendBarrierKHR - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced extension method handles.
glBlendBarrierKHR() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRBlendEquationAdvanced
glBlendColor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glBlendEquation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glBlendEquationi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBlendEquationiARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendEquationiARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendEquationIndexedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendEquationIndexedAMD(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendEquationSeparate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glBlendEquationSeparatei - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBlendEquationSeparateiARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendEquationSeparateiARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendFunc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glBlendFunci - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBlendFunciARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendFunciARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendFuncIndexedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendFuncIndexedAMD(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendFuncSeparate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glBlendFuncSeparatei - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glBlendFuncSeparateiARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendFuncSeparateiARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend extension method handles.
glBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
glBlendFuncSeparateINGR - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate extension method handles.
glBlendFuncSeparateINGR(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINGRBlendFuncSeparate
glBlitFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glBlitNamedFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glBufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glBufferPageCommitmentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer extension method handles.
glBufferPageCommitmentARB(int, long, long, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
glBufferParameteriAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range extension method handles.
glBufferParameteriAPPLE(int, int, int) - Static method in class
glBufferStorage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glCallList - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glCallLists - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLCapabilities - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL capabilities.
GLCapabilities(boolean) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
Constructs incomplete OpenGL capabilities.
GLCapabilities creation - Search tag in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
glCheckFramebufferStatus - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClampColor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glClampColorARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float extension method handles.
glClampColorARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBColorBufferFloat
glClear - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glClearAccum - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glClearBufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glClearBufferfi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glClearBufferfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glClearBufferiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glClearBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glClearBufferuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glClearColor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glClearDepth - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glClearDepthf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glClearIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glClearNamedBufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearNamedBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearNamedFramebufferfi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearNamedFramebufferfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearNamedFramebufferiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearNamedFramebufferuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClearStencil - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glClearTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glClearTexSubImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.4 method handles
glClientActiveTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glClientActiveTextureARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glClientActiveTextureARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glClientWaitSync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glClipControl - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glClipPlane - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3b - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3ub - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3ubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3us - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor3usv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4b - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4ub - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4ubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4ubVertex2fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4ubVertex2fSUN(byte, byte, byte, byte, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, byte[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ubVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4ubVertex3fSUN(byte, byte, byte, byte, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, byte[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glColor4ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4us - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColor4usv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColorMask - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glColorMaski - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glColorMaterial - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glColorPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glColorPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glColorPointerListIBM(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glColorPointervINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays extension method handles.
glColorPointervINTEL(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
glCompileShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glCompileShaderARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glCompileShaderARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glCompileShaderIncludeARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glCompileShaderIncludeARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glCompressedTexImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexImage1DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexImage1DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTexImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexImage2DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexImage2DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTexImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexImage3DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexImage3DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTexSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTexSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTexSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glCompressedTextureSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCompressedTextureSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCompressedTextureSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
GLConst - Class in overrungl.opengl
GLConst() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GLConst
GLConstC - Class in overrungl.opengl
GLConstC() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GLConstC
glCopyBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glCopyImageSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glCopyNamedBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCopyPixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glCopyTexImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glCopyTexImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glCopyTexSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glCopyTexSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glCopyTexSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.2 method handles
glCopyTextureSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCopyTextureSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCopyTextureSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateFramebuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreatePerfQueryINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glCreatePerfQueryINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glCreatePerfQueryINTEL(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glCreateProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glCreateProgramObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glCreateProgramObjectARB() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glCreateProgramPipelines - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateQueries - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateRenderbuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateSamplers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glCreateShaderObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glCreateShaderObjectARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glCreateShaderProgramv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glCreateSyncFromCLeventARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_cl_event extension method handles.
glCreateSyncFromCLeventARB(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBCLEvent
glCreateTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateTransformFeedbacks - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCreateVertexArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glCullFace - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glCurrentPaletteMatrixARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_matrix_palette extension method handles.
glCurrentPaletteMatrixARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
glDebugMessageCallback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glDebugMessageCallbackAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageCallbackAMD(Arena, GLDebugProcAMD, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageCallbackAMD(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageCallbackARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageCallbackARB(Arena, GLDebugProc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glDebugMessageCallbackARB(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glDebugMessageControl - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glDebugMessageControlARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageControlARB(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glDebugMessageControlARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[], boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glDebugMessageEnableAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageEnableAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageEnableAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageInsert - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glDebugMessageInsertAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageInsertAMD(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageInsertAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glDebugMessageInsertARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_debug_output extension method handles.
glDebugMessageInsertARB(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glDebugMessageInsertARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
GLDebugProc - Interface in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL debug message callback.
GLDebugProcAMD - Interface in overrungl.opengl.ext.amd
The OpenGL debug message callback.
glDeleteBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glDeleteFencesAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glDeleteFencesAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glDeleteFencesAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class
glDeleteFramebuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glDeleteLists - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glDeleteNameAMD(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glDeleteNamedStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glDeleteNamedStringARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glDeleteNamesAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_name_gen_delete extension method handles.
glDeleteNamesAMD(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glDeleteNamesAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glDeleteObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glDeleteObjectARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glDeletePerfMonitorAMD(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glDeletePerfQueryINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glDeletePerfQueryINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glDeleteProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glDeleteProgramARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glDeleteProgramPipelines - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glDeleteProgramsARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glDeleteProgramsARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glDeleteProgramsARB(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glDeleteQueries - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glDeleteQueriesARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glDeleteQueriesARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glDeleteRenderbuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glDeleteSamplers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glDeleteShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glDeleteSync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glDeleteTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glDeleteVertexArrayAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int) - Static method in class
glDeleteVertexArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object extension method handles.
glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class
glDepthFunc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glDepthMask - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glDepthRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glDepthRangeArrayv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glDepthRangef - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glDepthRangeIndexed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glDetachObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glDetachObjectARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glDetachShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glDisable - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glDisableClientState - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glDisablei - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glDisableVertexArrayAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glDisableVertexAttribAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glDisableVertexAttribAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
glDisableVertexAttribArray - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glDispatchCompute - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glDispatchComputeGroupSizeARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size extension method handles.
glDispatchComputeGroupSizeARB(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
glDispatchComputeIndirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glDrawArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glDrawArraysIndirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glDrawArraysInstanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glDrawArraysInstancedARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_instanced extension method handles.
glDrawArraysInstancedARB(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glDrawBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glDrawBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glDrawBuffersARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension method handles.
glDrawBuffersARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffers
glDrawBuffersARB(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffers
glDrawElementArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_element_array extension method handles.
glDrawElementArrayAPPLE(int, int, int) - Static method in class
glDrawElements - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glDrawElementsBaseVertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glDrawElementsIndirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glDrawElementsInstanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glDrawElementsInstancedARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_draw_instanced extension method handles.
glDrawElementsInstancedARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
glDrawElementsInstancedARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
glDrawElementsInstancedARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
glDrawElementsInstancedARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glDrawMeshArraysSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_mesh_array extension method handles.
glDrawMeshArraysSUN(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNMeshArray
glDrawPixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_element_array extension method handles.
glDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
glDrawRangeElements - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.2 method handles
glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glDrawTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glDrawTransformFeedbackStream - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glEdgeFlag - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEdgeFlagPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glEdgeFlagPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glEdgeFlagPointerListIBM(int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glEdgeFlagv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glElementPointerAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_element_array extension method handles.
glElementPointerAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glEnable - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glEnableClientState - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glEnablei - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glEnableVertexAttribAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glEnableVertexAttribAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
glEnableVertexAttribArray - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glEnd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEndConditionalRender - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glEndList - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEndPerfMonitorAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glEndPerfMonitorAMD(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glEndPerfQueryINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glEndPerfQueryINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glEndQuery - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glEndQueryARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glEndQueryARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glEndQueryIndexed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glEndTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glEvalCoord1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalCoord2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalMesh1 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalMesh2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalPoint1 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvalPoint2 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glEvaluateDepthValuesARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sample_locations extension method handles.
glEvaluateDepthValuesARB() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
GLExtCaps - Class in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL extension capabilities.
GLExtCaps(GLCapabilities) - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
Construct incomplete OpenGL extension capabilities.
glFeedbackBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glFenceSync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glFinish - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glFinishFenceAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glFinishFenceAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glFinishObjectAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glFinishObjectAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
glFinishTextureSUNX - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUNX_constant_data extension method handles.
glFinishTextureSUNX() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNXConstantData
glFlush - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glFlushMappedBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range extension method handles.
glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(int, long, long) - Static method in class
glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glFlushStaticDataIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_static_data extension method handles.
glFlushStaticDataIBM(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMStaticData
glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range extension method handles.
glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glFogCoordd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glFogCoorddv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glFogCoordf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glFogCoordfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glFogCoordPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glFogCoordPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glFogCoordPointerListIBM(int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glFogf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glFogfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glFogi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glFogiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glFramebufferParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glFramebufferParameteriMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y extension method handles.
glFramebufferParameteriMESA(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
glFramebufferRenderbuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sample_locations extension method handles.
glFramebufferSampleLocationsfvARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
glFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions extension method handles.
glFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glFramebufferTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glFramebufferTexture1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFramebufferTexture2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFramebufferTexture3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFramebufferTextureARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 extension method handles.
glFramebufferTextureARB(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
glFramebufferTextureFaceARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 extension method handles.
glFramebufferTextureFaceARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
glFramebufferTextureLayer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glFramebufferTextureLayerARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 extension method handles.
glFramebufferTextureLayerARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_OVR_multiview extension method handles.
glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
glFrameTerminatorGREMEDY - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_GREMEDY_frame_terminator extension method handles.
glFrameTerminatorGREMEDY() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYFrameTerminator
glFrontFace - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glFrustum - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLFW - Class in overrungl.glfw
The GLFW binding.
glfwCreateWindowSurface(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVulkan
Creates a Vulkan surface for the specified window.
GLFWErrorCallback - Class in overrungl.glfw
The GLFW error callback creator.
GLFWGamepadState - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes the input state of a gamepad.
GLFWGamepadState(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Create a GLFWgamepadstate instance.
GLFWGammaRamp - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes the gamma ramp for a monitor.
GLFWGammaRamp(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Create a GLFWgammaramp const instance.
glfwGetInstanceProcAddress(MemorySegment, String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVulkan
Returns the address of the specified Vulkan instance function.
glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVulkan
Returns whether the specified queue family can present images.
GLFWImage - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes a single 2D image.
GLFWImage(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Create a GLFWimage instance.
GLFWImage(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
GLFWImage.Buffer - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes 2D images.
GLFWNative - Class in overrungl.glfw
This is the header file of the native access functions.
GLFWVidMode - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes a single video mode.
GLFWVidMode(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Create a GLFWvidmode instance.
GLFWVidMode(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
GLFWVidMode.Buffer - Class in overrungl.glfw
This describes video modes.
GLFWVidMode.Value - Record Class in overrungl.glfw
The immutable state of GLFWVidMode.
GLFWVulkan - Class in overrungl.glfw
The GLFW Vulkan binding.
glGenBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGenerateMipmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGenerateTextureMipmap - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGenFenceAPPLE() - Static method in class
glGenFencesAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glGenFencesAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glGenFencesAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class
glGenFramebuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGenLists - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGenNameAMD(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glGenNamesAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_name_gen_delete extension method handles.
glGenNamesAMD(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glGenNamesAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glGenPerfMonitorAMD() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGenPerfMonitorsAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGenProgramARB() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGenProgramPipelines - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGenProgramsARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGenProgramsARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGenProgramsARB(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGenQueries - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGenQueriesARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glGenQueriesARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glGenRenderbuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGenSamplers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGenTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glGenTransformFeedbacks - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGenVertexArrayAPPLE() - Static method in class
glGenVertexArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGenVertexArraysAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object extension method handles.
glGenVertexArraysAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glGenVertexArraysAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class
glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glGetActiveAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetActiveSubroutineName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetActiveUniform - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetActiveUniformARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetActiveUniformARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetActiveUniformBlockName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetActiveUniformName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetActiveUniformsiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetAttachedObjectsARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetAttachedObjectsARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetAttachedShaders - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetAttribLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetBooleani_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetBooleanv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetBufferParameteri64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glGetBufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetBufferPointerv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetClipPlane - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetCompressedTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glGetCompressedTexImageARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_compression extension method handles.
glGetCompressedTexImageARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
glGetCompressedTextureImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetCompressedTextureSubImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetDebugMessageLog - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetDebugMessageLogAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_debug_output extension method handles.
glGetDebugMessageLogAMD(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glGetDebugMessageLogAMD(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glGetDebugMessageLogAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
glGetDebugMessageLogARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_debug_output extension method handles.
glGetDebugMessageLogARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glGetDebugMessageLogARB(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glGetDebugMessageLogARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
glGetDoublei_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetDoublev - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetError - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetFirstPerfQueryIdINTEL(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetFloati_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetFloatv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetFragDataIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetFragDataLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetFramebufferParameterfvAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions extension method handles.
glGetFramebufferParameterfvAMD(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glGetFramebufferParameterfvAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glGetFramebufferParameteriMESA(SegmentAllocator, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
glGetFramebufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetFramebufferParameterivMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y extension method handles.
glGetFramebufferParameterivMESA(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
glGetFramebufferParameterivMESA(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
glGetGraphicsResetStatus - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetHandleARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetHandleARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetImageHandleARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glGetImageHandleARB(int, int, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glGetImageTransformParameterfvHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glGetImageTransformParameterfvHP(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glGetImageTransformParameterfvHP(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glGetImageTransformParameterivHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glGetImageTransformParameterivHP(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glGetImageTransformParameterivHP(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glGetInfoLogARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetInfoLogARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetInteger64i_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glGetInteger64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glGetIntegeri_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetIntegerv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetInternalformati64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetInternalformativ - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glGetLightfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetLightiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMapdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMapfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMapiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMaterialfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMaterialiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetMultisamplefv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedBufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedBufferPointerv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions extension method handles.
glGetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glGetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetNamedStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glGetNamedStringARB(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glGetNamedStringivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glGetNamedStringivARB(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glGetnCompressedTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnCompressedTexImageARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnCompressedTexImageARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetNextPerfQueryIdINTEL(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetnTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnTexImageARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnTexImageARB(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetnUniformdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnUniformdvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnUniformdvARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetnUniformfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnUniformfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnUniformfvARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetnUniformi64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glGetnUniformi64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glGetnUniformiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnUniformivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnUniformivARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetnUniformui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glGetnUniformui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glGetnUniformuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetnUniformuivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glGetnUniformuivARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glGetObjectLabel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetObjectParameterfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetObjectParameterfvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_object_purgeable extension method handles.
glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class
glGetObjectParameterivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetObjectParameterivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetObjectPtrLabel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfCounterInfoINTEL(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, String[], int, String[], int[], int[], int[], int[], long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfQueryDataINTEL(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfQueryIdByNameINTEL(SegmentAllocator, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_performance_query extension method handles.
glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPerfQueryInfoINTEL(SegmentAllocator, int, int, String[], int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glGetPixelMapfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetPixelMapuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetPixelMapusv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetPointerv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glGetPolygonStipple - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetProgramBinary - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramInfoLog - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetProgramInterfaceiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetProgramivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramivARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetProgramPipelineiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetProgramResourceIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramResourceiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramResourceLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramResourceName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glGetProgramStageiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetProgramStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glGetProgramStringARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetQueryBufferObjectiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetQueryIndexediv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetQueryiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetQueryivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glGetQueryivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glGetQueryObjecti64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetQueryObjectiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetQueryObjectivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glGetQueryObjectivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glGetQueryObjectui64v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetQueryObjectuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glGetQueryObjectuivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glGetQueryObjectuivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetSamplerParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetSamplerParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetSamplerParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetSamplerParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glGetShaderInfoLog - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetShaderiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetShaderPrecisionFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetShaderSource - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetShaderSourceARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetShaderSourceARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetString - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetStringi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetSubroutineIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetSubroutineUniformLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetSynciv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glGetTexEnvfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetTexEnviv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetTexGendv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetTexGenfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetTexGeniv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glGetTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetTexLevelParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetTexLevelParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetTexParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetTexParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetTexParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetTexParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glGetTexParameterPointervAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_texture_range extension method handles.
glGetTexParameterPointervAPPLE(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glGetTextureHandleARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glGetTextureHandleARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glGetTextureImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureLevelParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureLevelParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTextureSamplerHandleARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glGetTextureSamplerHandleARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glGetTextureSubImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTransformFeedbacki_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTransformFeedbackiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetUniformBlockIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetUniformdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetUniformfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetUniformfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetUniformfvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetUniformi64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glGetUniformi64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glGetUniformIndices - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glGetUniformiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetUniformivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetUniformivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetUniformLocation - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetUniformLocationARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glGetUniformLocationARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glGetUniformSubroutineuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glGetUniformui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glGetUniformui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glGetUniformuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetVertexArrayIndexediv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetVertexArrayiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glGetVertexAttribdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetVertexAttribfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetVertexAttribIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetVertexAttribIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glGetVertexAttribiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGetVertexAttribLdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glGetVertexAttribLui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glGetVertexAttribLui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glGetVertexAttribLui64vARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glGetVertexAttribPointerv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glGlobalAlphaFactorbSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactorbSUN(byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactordSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactordSUN(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactorfSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactorfSUN(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactoriSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactoriSUN(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactorsSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactorsSUN(short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactorubSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactorubSUN(byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
glGlobalAlphaFactorusSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_global_alpha extension method handles.
glGlobalAlphaFactorusSUN(short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
GLGREMEDYFrameTerminator - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLGREMEDYFrameTerminator() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYFrameTerminator
GLGREMEDYStringMarker - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLGREMEDYStringMarker() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYStringMarker
glHint - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glHintPGI - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_PGI_misc_hints extension method handles.
glHintPGI(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLPGIMiscHints
GLHPImageTransform - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLHPImageTransform() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
GLIBMStaticData - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLIBMStaticData() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMStaticData
GLIBMVertexArrayLists - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLIBMVertexArrayLists() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glImageTransformParameterfHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glImageTransformParameterfHP(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glImageTransformParameterfvHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glImageTransformParameterfvHP(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glImageTransformParameterfvHP(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glImageTransformParameteriHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glImageTransformParameteriHP(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glImageTransformParameterivHP - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_HP_image_transform extension method handles.
glImageTransformParameterivHP(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glImageTransformParameterivHP(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
glIndexd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexMask - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glIndexPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glIndexPointerListIBM(int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glIndexs - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexsv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIndexub - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glIndexubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
GLINGRBlendFuncSeparate - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLINGRBlendFuncSeparate() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINGRBlendFuncSeparate
glInitNames - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLINTELConst - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GL Intel constants
GLINTELConst() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELConst
GLINTELFramebufferCMAA - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLINTELFramebufferCMAA() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELFramebufferCMAA
GLINTELMapTexture - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLINTELMapTexture() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
GLINTELParallelArrays - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLINTELParallelArrays() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
GLINTELPerformanceQuery - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLINTELPerformanceQuery() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
glInterleavedArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glInvalidateBufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glInvalidateBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glInvalidateFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glInvalidateTexImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glInvalidateTexSubImage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glIsBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glIsEnabled - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glIsEnabledi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glIsFenceAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glIsFenceAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glIsFramebuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glIsImageHandleResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glIsImageHandleResidentARB(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glIsList - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glIsNameAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_name_gen_delete extension method handles.
glIsNameAMD(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
glIsNamedStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glIsNamedStringARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glIsProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glIsProgramARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glIsProgramARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glIsProgramPipeline - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glIsQuery - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glIsQueryARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension method handles.
glIsQueryARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
glIsRenderbuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glIsSampler - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glIsShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glIsSync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glIsTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glIsTextureHandleResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glIsTextureHandleResidentARB(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glIsTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glIsVertexArray - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glIsVertexArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object extension method handles.
glIsVertexArrayAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glIsVertexAttribEnabledAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glIsVertexAttribEnabledAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
GLKHRBlendEquationAdvanced - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLKHRBlendEquationAdvanced() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRBlendEquationAdvanced
GLKHRParallelShaderCompile - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLKHRParallelShaderCompile() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRParallelShaderCompile
glLightf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLighti - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightModelf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightModelfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightModeli - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLightModeliv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLineStipple - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLineWidth - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glLinkProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glLinkProgramARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glLinkProgramARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glListBase - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLLoader - Class in overrungl.opengl
This class must be used before any OpenGL function is called.
GLLoader() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
GLLoadFunc - Interface in overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL loading function.
glLoadIdentity - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLoadMatrixd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLoadMatrixf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLoadName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glLoadTransposeMatrixd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix extension method handles.
glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
glLoadTransposeMatrixf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix extension method handles.
glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
glLogicOp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glMakeImageHandleNonResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glMakeImageHandleNonResidentARB(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glMakeImageHandleResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glMakeImageHandleResidentARB(long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glMakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glMakeTextureHandleResidentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glMakeTextureHandleResidentARB(long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glMap1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMap1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMap2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMap2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMapBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glMapBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glMapGrid1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMapGrid1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMapGrid2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMapGrid2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMapNamedBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glMapNamedBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glMapTexture2DINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_map_texture extension method handles.
glMapTexture2DINTEL(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
glMapTexture2DINTEL(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
glMapVertexAttrib1dAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glMapVertexAttrib1dAPPLE(int, int, double, double, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib1dAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double, double, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib1fAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glMapVertexAttrib1fAPPLE(int, int, float, float, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib1fAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float, float, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib2dAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glMapVertexAttrib2dAPPLE(int, int, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib2dAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib2fAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators extension method handles.
glMapVertexAttrib2fAPPLE(int, int, float, float, int, int, float, float, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glMapVertexAttrib2fAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float, float, int, int, float, float, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class
glMaterialf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMaterialfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMateriali - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMaterialiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMatrixIndexPointerARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_matrix_palette extension method handles.
glMatrixIndexPointerARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
glMatrixIndexubvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_matrix_palette extension method handles.
glMatrixIndexubvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
glMatrixIndexuivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_matrix_palette extension method handles.
glMatrixIndexuivARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
glMatrixIndexusvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_matrix_palette extension method handles.
glMatrixIndexusvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
glMatrixMode - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile extension method handles.
glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBParallelShaderCompile
glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile extension method handles.
glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRParallelShaderCompile
glMemoryBarrier - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glMemoryBarrierByRegion - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
GLMESAFramebufferFlipY - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLMESAFramebufferFlipY() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
GLMESAResizeBuffers - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLMESAResizeBuffers() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAResizeBuffers
GLMESAWindowPos - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLMESAWindowPos() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glMinSampleShading - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glMinSampleShadingARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sample_shading extension method handles.
glMinSampleShadingARB(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleShading
glMultiDrawArrays - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glMultiDrawArraysIndirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glMultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect extension method handles.
glMultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD(int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect
glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.6 method handles
glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_indirect_parameters extension method handles.
glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB(int, MemorySegment, long, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
glMultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_element_array extension method handles.
glMultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class
glMultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[], int) - Static method in class
glMultiDrawElements - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glMultiDrawElementsIndirect - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glMultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect extension method handles.
glMultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD(int, int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect
glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.6 method handles
glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_indirect_parameters extension method handles.
glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB(int, int, MemorySegment, long, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
glMultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_element_array extension method handles.
glMultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class
glMultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], int[], int) - Static method in class
glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays extension method handles.
glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays extension method handles.
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[], int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[], int, short[], int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
glMultiTexCoord1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1dARB(int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1dvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1fARB(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1iARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1ivARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1sARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1sARB(int, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord1sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord1svARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord1svARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2dARB(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2dvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2fARB(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2iARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2ivARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2sARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2sARB(int, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord2svARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord2svARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3dARB(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3dvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3fARB(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3iARB(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3ivARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3sARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3sARB(int, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord3svARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord3svARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4dARB(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4dvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4fARB(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4iARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4ivARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4sARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4sARB(int, short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultiTexCoord4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultiTexCoord4svARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multitexture extension method handles.
glMultiTexCoord4svARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
glMultMatrixd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMultMatrixf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glMultTransposeMatrixd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultTransposeMatrixdARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix extension method handles.
glMultTransposeMatrixdARB(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
glMultTransposeMatrixf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 compatibility method handles
glMultTransposeMatrixfARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix extension method handles.
glMultTransposeMatrixfARB(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
glNamedBufferData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedBufferPageCommitmentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer extension method handles.
glNamedBufferPageCommitmentARB(int, long, long, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
glNamedBufferPageCommitmentEXT - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer extension method handles.
glNamedBufferPageCommitmentEXT(int, long, long, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
glNamedBufferStorage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedBufferSubData - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sample_locations extension method handles.
glNamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
glNamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions extension method handles.
glNamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glNamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
glNamedFramebufferTexture - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedRenderbufferStorage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced extension method handles.
glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced
glNamedStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shading_language_include extension method handles.
glNamedStringARB(int, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
glNewList - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3b - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glNormal3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glNormal3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormal3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glNormalPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glNormalPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glNormalPointerListIBM(int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glNormalPointervINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays extension method handles.
glNormalPointervINTEL(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
glObjectLabel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glObjectPtrLabel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glObjectPurgeableAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_object_purgeable extension method handles.
glObjectPurgeableAPPLE(int, int, int) - Static method in class
glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_object_purgeable extension method handles.
glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(int, int, int) - Static method in class
glOrtho - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
GLOVRMultiview - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLOVRMultiview() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
glPassThrough - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPatchParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glPatchParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glPauseTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
GLPGIMiscHints - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext
GLPGIMiscHints() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLPGIMiscHints
glPixelMapfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPixelMapuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPixelMapusv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPixelStoref - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glPixelStorei - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glPixelTransferf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPixelTransferi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPixelZoom - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPointParameterf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glPointParameterfARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_point_parameters extension method handles.
glPointParameterfARB(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
glPointParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glPointParameterfvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_point_parameters extension method handles.
glPointParameterfvARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
glPointParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glPointParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 method handles
glPointSize - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glPolygonMode - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glPolygonOffset - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glPolygonOffsetClamp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.6 method handles
glPolygonStipple - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPopAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPopClientAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glPopDebugGroup - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glPopMatrix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPopName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPrimitiveBoundingBoxARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility extension method handles.
glPrimitiveBoundingBoxARB(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
glPrimitiveRestartIndex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glPrioritizeTextures - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glProgramBinary - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramEnvParameter4dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramEnvParameter4dARB(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramEnvParameter4fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4dARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramLocalParameter4dARB(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramLocalParameter4fARB(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramParameteriARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 extension method handles.
glProgramParameteriARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
glProgramStringARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_fragment_program extension method handles.
glProgramStringARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
glProgramUniform1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform1i64ARB(int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform1i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform1i64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform1iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform1ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform1ui64ARB(int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform1ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform1ui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform1uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform2i64ARB(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform2i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform2i64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform2ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform2ui64ARB(int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform2ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform2ui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform2uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform3i64ARB(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform3i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform3i64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform3ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform3ui64ARB(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform3ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform3ui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform4i64ARB(int, int, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform4i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform4i64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniform4ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform4ui64ARB(int, int, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform4ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glProgramUniform4ui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glProgramUniform4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformHandleui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glProgramUniformHandleui64ARB(int, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glProgramUniformHandleui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glProgramUniformHandleui64vARB(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glProgramUniformHandleui64vARB(SegmentAllocator, int, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glProgramUniformMatrix2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glProvokingVertex - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glPushAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPushClientAttrib - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glPushDebugGroup - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glPushMatrix - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glPushName - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glQueryCounter - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glQueryObjectParameteruiAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_occlusion_query_event extension method handles.
glQueryObjectParameteruiAMD(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDOcclusionQueryEvent
glRasterPos2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRasterPos4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glReadBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glReadnPixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glReadnPixelsARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_robustness extension method handles.
glReadnPixelsARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
glReadPixels - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glRectd - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRectdv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRectf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRectfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRecti - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRectiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRects - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRectsv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glReleaseShaderCompiler - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glRenderbufferStorage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced extension method handles.
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced
glRenderMode - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glReplacementCodePointerSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodePointerSUN(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeubSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeubSUN(byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeubvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeubvSUN(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeubvSUN(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN(int, byte, byte, byte, byte, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], byte[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiSUN(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glReplacementCodeuivSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeuivSUN(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeuivSUN(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeusSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeusSUN(short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeusvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_triangle_list extension method handles.
glReplacementCodeusvSUN(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glReplacementCodeusvSUN(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
glResizeBuffersMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_resize_buffers extension method handles.
glResizeBuffersMESA() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAResizeBuffers
glResumeTransformFeedback - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glRotated - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glRotatef - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glSampleCoverage - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.3 method handles
glSampleCoverageARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_multisample extension method handles.
glSampleCoverageARB(float, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultisample
glSampleMaski - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glSamplerParameterf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glSamplerParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glSamplerParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glSamplerParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glSamplerParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glSamplerParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glScaled - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glScalef - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glScissor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glScissorArrayv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glScissorIndexed - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glScissorIndexedv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glSecondaryColor3b - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3ub - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3ubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3us - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColor3usv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColorPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glSecondaryColorPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glSecondaryColorPointerListIBM(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glSelectBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_performance_monitor extension method handles.
glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(int, boolean, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
glSetFenceAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glSetFenceAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glSetMultisamplefvAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_sample_positions extension method handles.
glSetMultisamplefvAMD(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSamplePositions
glSetMultisamplefvAMD(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSamplePositions
glShadeModel - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glShaderBinary - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glShaderSource - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glShaderSourceARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glShaderSourceARB(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glShaderStorageBlockBinding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glSpecializeShader - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.6 method handles
glSpecializeShaderARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gl_spirv extension method handles.
glSpecializeShaderARB(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGLSpirv
glStencilFunc - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glStencilFuncSeparate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glStencilMask - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glStencilMaskSeparate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glStencilOp - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glStencilOpSeparate - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glStencilOpValueAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_stencil_operation_extended extension method handles.
glStencilOpValueAMD(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDStencilOperationExtended
glStringMarkerGREMEDY - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_GREMEDY_string_marker extension method handles.
glStringMarkerGREMEDY(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYStringMarker
GLSUNGlobalAlpha - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
GLSUNGlobalAlpha() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
GLSUNMeshArray - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
GLSUNMeshArray() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNMeshArray
GLSUNTriangleList - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
GLSUNTriangleList() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
GLSUNVertex - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
GLSUNVertex() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
GLSUNXConstantData - Class in overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
GLSUNXConstantData() - Constructor for class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNXConstantData
glSyncTextureINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_map_texture extension method handles.
glSyncTextureINTEL(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
glTbufferMask3DFX - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_3DFX_tbuffer extension method handles.
glTbufferMask3DFX(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GL3DFXTbuffer
glTessellationFactorAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator extension method handles.
glTessellationFactorAMD(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator
glTessellationModeAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator extension method handles.
glTessellationModeAMD(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator
glTestFenceAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glTestFenceAPPLE(int) - Static method in class
glTestObjectAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_fence extension method handles.
glTestObjectAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
glTexBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glTexBufferARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object extension method handles.
glTexBufferARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
glTexBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glTexCoord1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord1sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN(float, float, byte, byte, byte, byte, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], byte[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_SUN_vertex extension method handles.
glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
glTexCoord4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoord4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexCoordPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glTexCoordPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glTexCoordPointerListIBM(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glTexCoordPointervINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays extension method handles.
glTexCoordPointervINTEL(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
glTexEnvf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexEnvfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexEnvi - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexEnviv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGend - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGendv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGenf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGenfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGeni - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexGeniv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTexImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexImage2DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glTexImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.2 method handles
glTexImage3DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glTexPageCommitmentARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_sparse_texture extension method handles.
glTexPageCommitmentARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
glTexParameterf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glTexParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glTexParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glTexStorage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glTexStorage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glTexStorage2DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glTexStorage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.2 method handles
glTexStorage3DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glTexStorageSparseAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_sparse_texture extension method handles.
glTexStorageSparseAMD(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSparseTexture
glTexStorageSparseAMD(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSparseTexture
glTexSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glTexSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 method handles
glTexSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.2 method handles
glTextureBarrier - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameterf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameterfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameteri - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameterIiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameterIuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureParameteriv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureRangeAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_texture_range extension method handles.
glTextureRangeAPPLE(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glTextureStorage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureStorage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureStorage2DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureStorage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureStorage3DMultisample - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureStorageSparseAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_sparse_texture extension method handles.
glTextureSubImage1D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureSubImage2D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureSubImage3D - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTextureView - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glTransformFeedbackBufferBase - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTransformFeedbackBufferRange - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glTransformFeedbackVaryings - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glTranslated - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glTranslatef - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glUniform1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform1fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform1fARB(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform1fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform1fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform1i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform1i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform1i64ARB(int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform1i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform1i64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform1iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform1iARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform1iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform1ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform1ivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform1ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform1ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform1ui64ARB(int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform1ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform1ui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform1uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform2fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform2fARB(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform2fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform2fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform2i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform2i64ARB(int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform2i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform2i64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform2iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform2iARB(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform2ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform2ivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform2ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform2ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform2ui64ARB(int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform2ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform2ui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform2uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform3fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform3fARB(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform3fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform3fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform3i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform3i64ARB(int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform3i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform3i64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform3iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform3iARB(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform3ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform3ivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform3ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform3ui64ARB(int, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform3ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform3ui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniform4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform4fARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform4fARB(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform4fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform4fvARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform4i64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform4i64ARB(int, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform4i64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform4i64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform4iARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform4iARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniform4ivARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniform4ivARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniform4ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniform4ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform4ui64ARB(int, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform4ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 extension method handles.
glUniform4ui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
glUniform4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glUniformBlockBinding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.1 method handles
glUniformHandleui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glUniformHandleui64ARB(int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glUniformHandleui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glUniformHandleui64vARB(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glUniformHandleui64vARB(SegmentAllocator, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glUniformMatrix2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix2fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniformMatrix2fvARB(int, int, byte, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniformMatrix2x3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix2x3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformMatrix2x4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix2x4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformMatrix3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix3fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniformMatrix3fvARB(int, int, byte, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniformMatrix3x2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix3x2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformMatrix3x4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix3x4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformMatrix4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix4fvARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUniformMatrix4fvARB(int, int, byte, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUniformMatrix4x2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix4x2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformMatrix4x3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUniformMatrix4x3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.1 method handles
glUniformSubroutinesuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.0 method handles
glUnmapBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.5 method handles
glUnmapNamedBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glUnmapTexture2DINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_map_texture extension method handles.
glUnmapTexture2DINTEL(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
glUseProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glUseProgramObjectARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glUseProgramObjectARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glUseProgramStages - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
GLUtil - Class in overrungl.opengl
OpenGL utilities.
glValidateProgram - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glValidateProgramARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_shader_objects extension method handles.
glValidateProgramARB(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
glValidateProgramPipeline - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertex2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertex4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 compatibility method handles
glVertexArrayAttribBinding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayAttribFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayAttribIFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayAttribLFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayBindingDivisor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayElementBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayParameteriAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range extension method handles.
glVertexArrayParameteriAPPLE(int, int) - Static method in class
glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range extension method handles.
glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
glVertexArrayVertexBuffer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexArrayVertexBuffers - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.5 method handles
glVertexAttrib1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib1f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib1fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib1s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib1sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nbv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Niv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nsv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nub - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nuiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4Nusv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4ubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttrib4usv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexAttribBinding - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glVertexAttribDivisor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribDivisorARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_instanced_arrays extension method handles.
glVertexAttribDivisorARB(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInstancedArrays
glVertexAttribFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glVertexAttribI1i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI1iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI1ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI1uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI2ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI2uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4bv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4ubv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribI4usv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribIFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glVertexAttribIPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.0 method handles
glVertexAttribL1d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL1dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL1ui64ARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glVertexAttribL1ui64ARB(int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glVertexAttribL1ui64vARB - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension method handles.
glVertexAttribL1ui64vARB(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glVertexAttribL1ui64vARB(SegmentAllocator, int, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
glVertexAttribL2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL4d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribL4dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribLFormat - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glVertexAttribLPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glVertexAttribP1ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP1uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP2ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP2uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP3ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP3uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP4ui - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribP4uiv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.3 method handles
glVertexAttribParameteriAMD - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_AMD_interleaved_elements extension method handles.
glVertexAttribParameteriAMD(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDInterleavedElements
glVertexAttribPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 2.0 method handles
glVertexBindingDivisor - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.3 method handles
glVertexPointer - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.1 compatibility method handles
glVertexPointerListIBM - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_IBM_vertex_array_lists extension method handles.
glVertexPointerListIBM(int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
glVertexPointervINTEL - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_INTEL_parallel_arrays extension method handles.
glVertexPointervINTEL(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
glViewport - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.0 method handles
glViewportArrayv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glViewportIndexedf - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glViewportIndexedfv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 4.1 method handles
glWaitSync - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 3.2 method handles
glWindowPos2d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2dMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2dMESA(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2dvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2dvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2dvMESA(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2fMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2fMESA(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2fvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2fvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2fvMESA(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2iMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2iMESA(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2ivMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2ivMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2ivMESA(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2sMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2sMESA(short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos2svMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos2svMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos2svMESA(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3d - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3dMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3dMESA(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3dv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3dvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3dvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3dvMESA(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3f - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3fMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3fMESA(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3fv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3fvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3fvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3fvMESA(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3i - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3iMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3iMESA(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3iv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3ivMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3ivMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3ivMESA(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3s - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3sMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3sMESA(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3sv - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
OpenGL 1.4 compatibility method handles
glWindowPos3svMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos3svMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos3svMESA(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4dMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4dMESA(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4dvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4dvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4dvMESA(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4fMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4fMESA(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4fvMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4fvMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4fvMESA(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4iMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4iMESA(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4ivMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4ivMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4ivMESA(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4sMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4sMESA(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4svMESA - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLExtCaps
GL_MESA_window_pos extension method handles.
glWindowPos4svMESA(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
glWindowPos4svMESA(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
GREATER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
green() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets the green value array.
green(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets a green value at the given index.
green(short[]) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Sets the green value array.
GREEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
GREEN_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GREEN_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
GREEN_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
GREEN_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
GREEN_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
greenBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
greenBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the bit depth of the green channel of the video mode.
greenBits() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the greenBits record component.
greenBitsAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the green bits at the given index.
greens(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Returns the green value array.
GREY - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
Image channels
GREY_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
Image channels
GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C

H Link icon

HALF_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
HAND_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The hand shape.
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.Callback
Finds the method handle from the given method handles lookup.
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCharFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorPosFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWJoystickFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWKeyFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMonitorFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMouseButtonFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWScrollFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowCloseFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowPosFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowRefreshFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowSizeFun
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Eof
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Read
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Skip
handle(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIWriteFunc
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HAT_CENTERED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_LEFT_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_LEFT_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_RIGHT_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_RIGHT_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
HAT_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick hat states.
hdr(SegmentAllocator, String, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
hdrToFunc(Arena, STBIWriteFunc, MemorySegment, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
hdrToLdrGamma(float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
hdrToLdrScale(float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
height() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
height() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Gets the image height.
height() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
height() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the height, in screen coordinates, of the video mode.
height() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the height record component.
height(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
height(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Sets the image height.
height(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Sets the image height at the given index.
height(String) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
heightAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Gets the image height at the given index.
heightAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the height at the given index.
hideWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Hides the specified window.
HIGH_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
HIGH_INT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
hint(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
HINT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
HOVERED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
HOVERED indicates whether the cursor is currently directly over the content area of the window, with no other windows between.
HRESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The horizontal resize arrow shape.

I Link icon

I - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IBBBBFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IBBBBV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IBEAM_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The text input I-beam cursor shape.
ICONIFIED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
iconifyWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Iconifies the specified window.
IDDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDDIDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDDIIDDIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDDIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFIFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFIIFFIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IGLFWCharFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for Unicode character callbacks.
IGLFWCursorEnterFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for cursor enter/leave callbacks.
IGLFWCursorPosFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for cursor position callbacks.
IGLFWDropFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for path drop callbacks.
IGLFWErrorFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for error callbacks.
IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for framebuffer size callbacks.
IGLFWJoystickFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for joystick configuration callbacks.
IGLFWKeyFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for keyboard key callbacks.
IGLFWMonitorFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for monitor configuration callbacks.
IGLFWMouseButtonFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for mouse button callback functions.
IGLFWScrollFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for scroll callbacks.
IGLFWWindowCloseFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window close callbacks.
IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window content scale callbacks.
IGLFWWindowFocusFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window focus callbacks.
IGLFWWindowIconifyFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window iconify callbacks.
IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window maximize callbacks.
IGLFWWindowPosFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window position callbacks.A window position callback function has the following signature:
void callbackName(MemorySegment window, int xpos, int ypos);
IGLFWWindowRefreshFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window content refresh callbacks.
IGLFWWindowSizeFun - Interface in overrungl.glfw
This is the function pointer type for window size callbacks.
II - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDDIIDDIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDDIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFFFPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFIIFFIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
III - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIFIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIIZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIIZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIIZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIPIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIPZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIIZIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIJIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPIPPPPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPPP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIPZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIZIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIZIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIZIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIIZPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJJIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJJJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPJIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPPP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPPPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPPPPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIZIIJ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIZIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IIZPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJJZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IMAGE_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_ACCESS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_LAYER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_LAYERED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BINDING_NAME - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_32 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_10_10_10_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_11_11_10 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_32 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_4_X_16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_4_X_32 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CLASS_4_X_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_CLASS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
IMAGE_PIXEL_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_PIXEL_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMAGE_TEXEL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
INCR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
INCR_WRAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
INDEX_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_LOGIC_OP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_SHIFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INDEX_WRITEMASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexd(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexdv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexdv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexf(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexfv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexfv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexi(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexiv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexiv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexMask(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexPointer(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexs(short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexsv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexsv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
indexub(byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexubv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
indexubv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
info(String, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
INFO_LOG_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
infoFromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
infoFromFile(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
infoFromMemory(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
infoFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
init() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Initializes the GLFW library.
init() - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
initialize NFD - call this for every thread that might use NFD, before calling any other NFD functions on that thread
initHint(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the specified init hint to the desired value.
initNames() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
INT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
INT_2_10_10_10_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
INT_IMAGE_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
INT_SAMPLER_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
INT_SAMPLER_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
INT_SAMPLER_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
INT_VEC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
INT_VEC3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
INT_VEC4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
INTENSITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTENSITY12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTENSITY16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTENSITY4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTENSITY8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
interleavedArrays(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
interleavedArrays(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
INTERNALFORMAT_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_ALPHA_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_BLUE_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_DEPTH_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_DEPTH_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_GREEN_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_PREFERRED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_RED_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_SHARED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_STENCIL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_STENCIL_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INTERNALFORMAT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
ints(int) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
ints(int...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
ints(int, int) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
ints(int, int, int) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
ints(int, int, int, int) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
INVALID_ENUM - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
One of the arguments to the function was an invalid enum value, for example requesting GLFW.RED_BITS with GLFW.getWindowAttrib(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int)PREVIEW.
INVALID_ENUM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
INVALID_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
INVALID_OPERATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
One of the arguments to the function was an invalid value, for example requesting a non-existent OpenGL or OpenGL ES version like 2.7.
INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
invalidateBufferData(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateBufferSubData(int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateFramebuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateFramebuffer(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateFramebuffer(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateNamedFramebufferData(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateNamedFramebufferData(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateNamedFramebufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
invalidateSubFramebuffer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateSubFramebuffer(int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateSubFramebuffer(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateTexImage(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
invalidateTexSubImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
INVERT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
invoke(int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWJoystickFun
The function pointer type for joystick configuration callbacks.
invoke(int, int, int, int, String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
debug callback
invoke(int, int, int, String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
debug callback
invoke(int, String) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
The function pointer type for error callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowCloseFun
The function pointer type for window close callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowRefreshFun
The function pointer type for window content refresh callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Eof
Returns nonzero if we are at end of file/data.
invoke(MemorySegment, boolean) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
The function pointer type for cursor enter/leave callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, boolean) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
The function pointer type for window focus callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, boolean) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
The function pointer type for window iconify callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, boolean) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
The function pointer type for window maximize callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorPosFun
The function pointer type for cursor position callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWScrollFun
The function pointer type for scroll callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, float, float) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun
The function pointer type for window content scale callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCharFun
The function pointer type for Unicode character callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMonitorFun
The function pointer type for monitor configuration callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Skip
Skip the next n bytes, or “unget” the last -n bytes if negative
invoke(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun
The function pointer type for framebuffer size callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowPosFun
The function pointer type for window position callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowSizeFun
The function pointer type for window size callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMouseButtonFun
The function pointer type for mouse button callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWKeyFun
The function pointer type for keyboard key callbacks.
invoke(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Read
Fill data with size bytes.
invoke(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.stb.STBIWriteFunc
invoke(MemorySegment, String[]) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
The function pointer type for path drop callbacks.
invoke(String) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLLoadFunc
Gets the function pointer of the given GL function.
invoke(String, FunctionDescriptors, Linker.Option...) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLLoadFunc
Load a function by the given name and creates a downcall handle or null.
Ip - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIPIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPJIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPPIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPPIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPPZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IPZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IS_PER_PATCH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
IS_ROW_MAJOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
is16Bit(String) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
is16BitFromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
is16BitFromFile(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
is16BitFromMemory(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
is16BitFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
isEnabled(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
isEnabledi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
isFramebuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
isHdr(String) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isHdrFromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isHdrFromFile(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isHdrFromMemory(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isHdrFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
isLinux() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
isList(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
isMacOsX() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
isNullptr(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Returns true if address is 0L.
isNullptr(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Returns true if segment is a null pointer.
isNullptr(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Returns true if segment is a null pointer.
ISOLINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
isProgram(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
isProgramPipeline(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
isQuery(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
isRenderbuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
isSampler(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
isShader(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
ISSSSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
ISSSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
ISSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
isSync(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
isTexture(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
isTransformFeedback(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
isUnix() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
ISV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
isVertexArray(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
isWindows() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
Iterating Over PathSets - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
iterator() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator
IV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IZIIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
IZZZZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors

J Link icon

J - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
JIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
JJP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
JOYSTICK_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_10 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_11 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_12 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_13 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_14 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_15 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_16 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_5 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_6 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_7 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_9 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
JOYSTICK_HAT_BUTTONS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
JOYSTICK_HAT_BUTTONS specifies whether to also expose joystick hats as buttons, for compatibility with earlier versions of GLFW that did not have GLFW.getJoystickHats(int).
JOYSTICK_LAST - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Joystick IDs.
joystickIsGamepad(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether the specified joystick has a gamepad mapping.
joystickPresent(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether the specified joystick is present.
JP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
jpg(String, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
jpgToFunc(Arena, STBIWriteFunc, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
JV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
JZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors

K Link icon

KEEP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
key() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.x.
key() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.x.
KEY_0 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_5 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_6 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_7 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_9 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_A - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_APOSTROPHE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_B - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_BACKSLASH - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_BACKSPACE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_C - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_COMMA - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_D - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_DELETE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_E - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_END - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_ENTER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_EQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_ESCAPE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_F1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F10 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F11 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F12 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F13 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F14 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F15 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F16 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F17 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F18 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F19 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F20 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F21 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F22 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F23 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F24 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F25 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F3 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F4 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F5 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F6 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F7 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F8 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_F9 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_G - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_H - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_HOME - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_I - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_INSERT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_J - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_K - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_KP_0 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_5 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_6 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_7 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_9 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_ADD - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_DECIMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_DIVIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_ENTER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_EQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_KP_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_L - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_LAST - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
KEY_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_LEFT_ALT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_LEFT_BRACKET - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_LEFT_CONTROL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_LEFT_SHIFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_LEFT_SUPER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_M - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_MENU - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_MINUS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_N - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_NUM_LOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_O - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_P - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_PAUSE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_PERIOD - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_PRINT_SCREEN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_Q - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_R - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_RIGHT_ALT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_RIGHT_SUPER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_S - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_SEMICOLON - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_SLASH - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_SPACE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_T - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_TAB - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_U - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The unknown key
KEY_UP - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Function keys
KEY_V - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_W - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_WORLD_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_WORLD_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_X - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys
KEY_Z - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Printable keys

L Link icon

LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
layout - Variable in class overrungl.Struct
The memory layout of this struct.
layout() - Method in class overrungl.Struct
Returns the layout of this struct.
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Layout - Search tag in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGamepadState
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
The struct layout.
LAYOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
The struct layout.
ldrToHdrGamma(float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ldrToHdrScale(float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
left() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.x.
left() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.x.
left() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.x.
left() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.x.
LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LEQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LESS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12
LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT6 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHT7 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
lightf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lighti(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
LIGHTING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIGHTING_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
lightiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModelf(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModelfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModelfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModeli(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModeliv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lightModeliv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
LINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_LOOP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_RESET_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_SMOOTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_SMOOTH_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_STIPPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_STRIP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
LINE_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINE_WIDTH_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRColorspace
LINEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINEAR_ATTENUATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINES_ADJACENCY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
lineStipple(int, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
lineWidth(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
LINK_STATUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
LINKER - Static variable in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
The native linker.
linkProgram(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
LINUX - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
LIST_BASE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIST_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIST_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LIST_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
listBase(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
load(String, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
load(String, String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Loads a library from classpath or local.
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDebugOutput
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDDrawBuffersBlend
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferMultisampleAdvanced
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDFramebufferSamplePositions
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDInterleavedElements
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDMultiDrawIndirect
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDNameGenDelete
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDOcclusionQueryEvent
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDPerformanceMonitor
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSamplePositions
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDSparseTexture
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDStencilOperationExtended
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLAMDVertexShaderTessellator
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBBindlessTexture
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBCLEvent
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBColorBufferFloat
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBComputeVariableGroupSize
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDebugOutput
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffers
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawBuffersBlend
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBDrawInstanced
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBES32Compatibility
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBFragmentProgram
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGeometryShader4
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGLSpirv
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBGPUShaderInt64
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBIndirectParameters
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBInstancedArrays
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMatrixPalette
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultisample
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBMultitexture
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBOcclusionQuery
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBParallelShaderCompile
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBPointParameters
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBRobustness
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleLocations
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSampleShading
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShaderObjects
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBShadingLanguageInclude
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseBuffer
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBSparseTexture
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureBufferObject
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTextureCompression
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.arb.GLARBTransposeMatrix
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GL3DFXTbuffer
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYFrameTerminator
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLGREMEDYStringMarker
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLHPImageTransform
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMMultimodeDrawArrays
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMStaticData
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLIBMVertexArrayLists
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINGRBlendFuncSeparate
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELFramebufferCMAA
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELMapTexture
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELParallelArrays
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLINTELPerformanceQuery
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRBlendEquationAdvanced
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLKHRParallelShaderCompile
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAFramebufferFlipY
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAResizeBuffers
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLMESAWindowPos
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLOVRMultiview
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.GLPGIMiscHints
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNGlobalAlpha
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNMeshArray
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNTriangleList
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNVertex
load(GLExtCaps, GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.ext.sun.GLSUNXConstantData
load(GLLoadFunc) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
Load OpenGL by the given load function.
load(GLLoadFunc) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Loads OpenGL compatibility profile with the given load function.
load(GLLoadFunc, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Loads OpenGL with the given load function.
LOAD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
load16(String, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
load16FromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
load16FromMemory(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
load16FromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadf(String, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadfFromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadfFromFile(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadfFromMemory(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadfFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadFromCallbacks(STBIIoCallbacks, MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadFromFile(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadFromFile16(MemorySegment, int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadFromMemory(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadGifFromMemory(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadGifFromMemory(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[][], int[], int[], int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
loadIdentity() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadMatrixd(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadMatrixd(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadMatrixf(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadMatrixf(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
loadTransposeMatrixd(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
loadTransposeMatrixd(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
loadTransposeMatrixf(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
loadTransposeMatrixf(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
LOCATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
LOCATION_COMPONENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
LOCATION_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
LOCK_KEY_MODS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
LOGIC_OP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LOGIC_OP_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
logicOp(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
longs(long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
longs(long...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
longs(long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
longs(long, long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
longs(long, long, long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
LOW_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
LOW_INT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
LOWER_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
LUMINANCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11

M Link icon

MAC_OS - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
macOS specific init hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.COCOA_CHDIR_RESOURCES
macOS specific init hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.COCOA_MENUBAR
macOS specific window hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.COCOA_FRAME_NAME
macOS specific window hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.COCOA_GRAPHICS_SWITCHING
macOS specific window hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
makeContextCurrent(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Makes the context of the specified window current for the calling thread.
makeVersion(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Pack the version into an integer.
malloc(long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Allocates a MemorySegmentPREVIEW on the stack with alignment equal to POINTER_SIZEPREVIEW.
malloc(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Allocates memory blocks.
malloc(long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Allocates an aligned MemorySegmentPREVIEW on the stack.
malloc(MemoryLayout) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
malloc(MemoryLayout) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
The layout version of MemoryUtil.malloc(long)PREVIEW.
malloc(Matrix2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix3x2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix3x2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix4x3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Matrix4x3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix by C memory function.
malloc(Vector2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector2ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector3ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(Vector4ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector by C memory function.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix3x2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix3x2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix4x3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Matrix4x3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Allocates the matrix on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector2dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector2fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector2ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector3dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector3fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector3ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector4dc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector4fc) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
malloc(MemoryStack, Vector4ic) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Allocates the vector on stack.
managedSegment - Variable in class overrungl.Pointer
The managed native segment that is not zero-length.
MANUAL_GENERATE_MIPMAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAP_COHERENT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
MAP_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
MAP_READ_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP_STENCIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP_WRITE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAP1_COLOR_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_VERTEX_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP1_VERTEX_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
map1d(int, double, double, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map1d(SegmentAllocator, int, double, double, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map1f(int, float, float, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map1f(SegmentAllocator, int, float, float, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
MAP2_COLOR_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_VERTEX_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAP2_VERTEX_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
map2d(int, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map2d(SegmentAllocator, int, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map2f(int, float, float, int, int, float, float, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
map2f(SegmentAllocator, int, float, float, int, int, float, float, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
mapBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
mapBufferRange(int, long, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
mapGrid1d(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
mapGrid1f(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
mapGrid2d(int, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
mapGrid2f(int, float, float, int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
mapNamedBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
mapNamedBufferRange(int, long, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
Mappings - Search tag in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
MAT2D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix2d layout.
MAT2F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix2f layout.
MAT3D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix3d layout.
MAT3F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix3f layout.
MAT3X2D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix3x2d layout.
MAT3X2F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix3x2f layout.
MAT4D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix4d layout.
MAT4F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix4f layout.
MAT4X3D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix4x3d layout.
MAT4X3F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
The Matrix4x3f layout.
materialf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
materialfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
materialfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
materiali(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
materialiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
materialiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
MATRIX_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MATRIX_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
matrixMode(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
Matrixn - Class in overrungl.joml
The matrix-to-native-memory util.
MAX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDINGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_CLIP_PLANES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_COLORSPACES - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRColorspace
MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_COMBINED_CLIP_AND_CULL_DISTANCES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
MAX_COMBINED_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMBINED_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_COMBINED_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_COMBINED_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_COMBINED_IMAGE_UNITS_AND_FRAGMENT_OUTPUTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_OUTPUT_RESOURCES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMBINED_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_COMBINED_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_COMPUTE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_COUNT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
MAX_CULL_DISTANCES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
MAX_EVAL_ORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_FRAGMENT_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_GEOMETRY_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_IMAGE_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_LABEL_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_LAYERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_LIGHTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_LIST_NESTING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_PATCH_VERTICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_SUBROUTINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_INPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_INPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MAX_VARYING_FLOATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_VARYING_VECTORS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_VERTEX_IMAGE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
MAX_VIEWPORTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MAXIMIZED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
maximizeWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Maximizes the specified window.
MEDIUM_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
MEDIUM_INT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
memcpy(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Copies bytes between buffers.
memmove(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Moves one buffer to another.
memoryBarrier(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
memoryBarrierByRegion(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
MemoryStackPREVIEW - Class in overrungl.util
An off-heap memory stack.
MemoryStack(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Constructor for class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Creates a new MemoryStack backed by the specified memory region.
MemoryUtil - Class in overrungl.util
The standard-C memory allocator.
memset(MemorySegment, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Sets a buffer to a specified character.
middle() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.y.
middle() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.y.
MIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
MIN_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
minSampleShading(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
MIPMAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
MIRRORED_REPEAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
MITCHELL - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
Mitchell-Netrevalli filter with B=1/3, C=1/3
MOD_ALT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set one or more Alt keys were held down.
MOD_CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set the Caps Lock key is enabled and the GLFW.LOCK_KEY_MODS input mode is set.
MOD_CONTROL - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set one or more Control keys were held down.
MOD_NUM_LOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set the Num Lock key is enabled and the GLFW.LOCK_KEY_MODS input mode is set.
MOD_SHIFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set one or more Shift keys were held down.
MOD_SUPER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
If this bit is set one or more Super keys were held down.
MODELVIEW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MODELVIEW_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MODULATE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
MOUSE_BUTTON_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_3 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_5 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_6 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_7 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Mouse button IDs.
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCharFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorPosFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWJoystickFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWKeyFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMonitorFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWMouseButtonFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWScrollFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowCloseFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowPosFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowRefreshFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowSizeFun
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Eof
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Read
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks.Skip
MTYPE - Static variable in interface overrungl.stb.STBIWriteFunc
MULT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
multiDrawArrays(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawArrays(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawArrays(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawArraysIndirect(int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
multiDrawArraysIndirect(int, DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
multiDrawArraysIndirectCount(int, MemorySegment, long, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
multiDrawElements(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, byte[][]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, byte[][], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int[][]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int[][], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, short[][]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElements(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, short[][], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, byte[][], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, int[][], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, short[][], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int, MemorySegment[], int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
multiDrawElementsIndirect(int, int, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
multiDrawElementsIndirect(int, int, DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
multiDrawElementsIndirectCount(int, int, MemorySegment, long, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
multiTexCoord1d(int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1f(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1s(int, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord1sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2d(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2f(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2s(int, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord2sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3d(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3f(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3s(int, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord3sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4f(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4i(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4s(int, short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multiTexCoord4sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multMatrixd(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
multMatrixd(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
multMatrixf(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
multMatrixf(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
multTransposeMatrixd(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multTransposeMatrixd(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multTransposeMatrixf(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13
multTransposeMatrixf(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13

N Link icon

N - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator.Kind
Native (UTF-16LE for Windows, UTF-8 for others)
N3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
name() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
name() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Returns the name of the filter.
name() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
name() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Returns the name of the filter.
NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
NAME_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
nameAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
Returns the name at the given index.
nameAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
Returns the name at the given index.
namedBufferData(int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(int, long, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, double[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, float[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, long[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferData(SegmentAllocator, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(int, long, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, double[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, float[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, long[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferStorage(SegmentAllocator, int, short[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(int, long, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(int, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedBufferSubData(SegmentAllocator, int, long, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferDrawBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferDrawBuffers(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferDrawBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferReadBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferRenderbuffer(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferTexture(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedFramebufferTextureLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedRenderbufferStorage(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
namedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
NAND - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NATIVE_CONTEXT_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Native access - Search tag in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Native File Dialog Extended - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
NativeType - Annotation Interface in overrungl
Annotates native types.
nblue() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
nbmp(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
nbmpToFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
ncalloc(long, long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Allocates a block of memory on the stack for an array of num elements, each of them size bytes long, and initializes all its bits to zero.
ncreate(MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Creates a new MemoryStack backed by the specified memory region.
ncreateCursor(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Creates a custom cursor.
ncreateWindow(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Creates a window and its associated context.
ndrawSegs(float, float, MemorySegment, int, boolean, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
NEAREST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NEGATIVE_ONE_TO_ONE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
NEVER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
newList(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
nextensionSupported(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether the specified extension is available.
nfailureReason() - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
NFD - Class in overrungl.nfd
Native File Dialog Extended
NFDEnumerator - Class in overrungl.nfd
A wrapper of NFD path set enumerator.
NFDEnumerator.Kind - Enum Class in overrungl.nfd
The kind of the enumerator.
NFDNFilterItem - Class in overrungl.nfd
NFDNFilterItem(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Create a NFDNFilterItem instance.
NFDNFilterItem(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
NFDNFilterItem.Buffer - Class in overrungl.nfd
NFDResult - Enum Class in overrungl.nfd
NFDU8FilterItem - Class in overrungl.nfd
NFDU8FilterItem(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Create a NFDU8FilterItem instance.
NFDU8FilterItem(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer - Class in overrungl.nfd
ngetClipboardString() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the contents of the clipboard as a string.
ngetCursorPos(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the content area of the window.
ngetError() - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Get last error -- set when NFDResult returns NFDResult.ERROR
ngetError(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns and clears the last error for the calling thread.
ngetFramebufferSize(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window.
ngetGamepadName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the human-readable gamepad name for the specified joystick.
ngetGamepadState(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the state of the specified joystick remapped as a gamepad.
ngetGammaRamp(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.
ngetJoystickAxes(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the values of all axes of the specified joystick.
ngetJoystickButtons(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick.
ngetJoystickGUID(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the SDL compatible GUID of the specified joystick.
ngetJoystickHats(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the state of all hats of the specified joystick.
ngetJoystickName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the name of the specified joystick.
ngetKeyName(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the layout-specific name of the specified printable key.
ngetMonitorContentScale(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified monitor.
ngetMonitorName(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the name of the specified monitor.
ngetMonitorPhysicalSize(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the physical size of the monitor.
ngetMonitorPos(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the position of the monitor's viewport on the virtual screen.
ngetMonitors(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the currently connected monitors.
ngetMonitorWorkarea(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the work area of the monitor.
ngetOSMesaColorBuffer(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Retrieves the color buffer associated with the specified window.
ngetOSMesaDepthBuffer(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Retrieves the depth buffer associated with the specified window.
ngetProcAddress(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the address of the specified function for the current context.
ngetRequiredInstanceExtensions(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW.
ngetString(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ngetStringi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
ngetVersion(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the version of the GLFW library.
ngetVersionString() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns a string describing the compile-time configuration.
ngetVideoMode(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the current mode of the specified monitor.
ngetVideoModes(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns the available video modes for the specified monitor.
ngetWin32Adapter(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the adapter device name of the specified monitor.
ngetWin32Monitor(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the display device name of the specified monitor.
ngetWindowContentScale(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the content scale for the specified window.
ngetWindowFrameSize(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the frame of the window.
ngetWindowPos(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window.
ngetWindowSize(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window.
ngetX11SelectionString() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Returns the contents of the current primary selection as a string.
nglfwCreateWindowSurface(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVulkan
Creates a Vulkan surface for the specified window.
nglfwGetInstanceProcAddress(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVulkan
Returns the address of the specified Vulkan instance function.
ngreen() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
nhdr(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
nhdrToFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
nheight(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
NICEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ninfo(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ninfoFromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ninfoFromFile(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ninfoFromMemory(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ninvoke(int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLDebugProc
ninvoke(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.ext.amd.GLDebugProcAMD
ninvoke(int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
ninvoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWCursorEnterFun
ninvoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowFocusFun
ninvoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowIconifyFun
ninvoke(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun
ninvoke(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
nis16Bit(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nis16BitFromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nis16BitFromMemory(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nisHdr(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nisHdrFromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nisHdrFromMemory(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
njpg(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
njpgToFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
nload(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nload16(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nload16FromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nload16FromMemory(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadf(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadfFromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadfFromFile(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadfFromMemory(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadFromCallbacks(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadFromFile(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadFromFile16(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadFromMemory(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nloadGifFromMemory(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
nmalloc(long, long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Allocates a block of size bytes of memory on the stack.
nname() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
nname() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Returns the name of the filter.
nname() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
nname() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Returns the name of the filter.
nnameAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
Returns the name at the given index.
nnameAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
Returns the name at the given index.
NO_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
value for CLIENT_API
NO_CURRENT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
No context is current for this thread.
NO_ERROR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
No error has occurred.
NO_ERROR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
NO_ROBUSTNESS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The specified window does not have an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context.
noise3(float, float, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
This function computes a random value at the coordinate (x,y,z).
Adjacent random values are continuous but the noise fluctuates its randomness with period 1, i.e.
noise3seed(float, float, float, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
As STBPerlin.noise3(float, float, float, int, int, int), but 'seed' selects from multiple different variations of the noise function.
noise3wrapNonpow2(float, float, float, int, int, int, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
NONE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NOOP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
nopenDialogMultipleN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
multiple file open dialog
nopenDialogMultipleU8(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
multiple file open dialog
nopenDialogN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
single file open dialog
nopenDialogU8(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
single file open dialog
NOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
NORMAL_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normal3b(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3bv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3bv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
normal3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
NORMALIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
normalPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
GLFW has not been initialized.
NOTEQUAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
npathSetEnumNextN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the next item from the path set enumerator.
npathSetEnumNextU8(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the next item from the path set enumerator.
npathSetGetCount(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the number of entries stored in pathSet
npathSetGetPathN(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the UTF-8 path at offset index
npathSetGetPathU8(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the UTF-8 path at offset index
npickFolderN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
select folder dialog
npickFolderU8(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
select folder dialog
npng(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
npngToFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
npngToMem(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
nprint(float, float, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
nred() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
nsaveDialogN(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
save dialog
nsaveDialogU8(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
save dialog
nsetCharCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the Unicode character callback.
nsetClipboardString(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the clipboard to the specified string.
nsetCursorEnterCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the cursor enter/leave callback.
nsetCursorPosCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the cursor position callback.
nsetDropCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the path drop callback.
nsetErrorCallback(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the error callback.
nsetFramebufferSizeCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window.
nsetGammaRamp(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.
nsetJoystickCallback(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the joystick configuration callback.
nsetKeyCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the key callback.
nsetMonitorCallback(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the monitor configuration callback.
nsetMouseButtonCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the mouse button callback.
nsetScrollCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the scroll callback.
nsetWindowCloseCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the close callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowContentScaleCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the window content scale callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowFocusCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the focus callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowIcon(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the icon for the specified window.
nsetWindowIconifyCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the iconify callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowMaximizeCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the maximize callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowPosCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the position callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowRefreshCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the refresh callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowSizeCallback(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the size callback for the specified window.
nsetWindowTitle(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the title of the specified window.
nsetX11SelectionString(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Sets the current primary selection to the specified string.
nspec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
nspec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Returns the spec of the filter.
nspec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
nspec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Returns the spec of the filter.
nspecAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
Returns the spec at the given index.
nspecAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
Returns the spec at the given index.
nstackCalloc(long, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
nstackMalloc(long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
ntga(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
ntgaToFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
NULL - Static variable in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
The address of NULL.
NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
NUM_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
NUM_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
NUM_SPIR_V_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
nupdateGamepadMappings(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Adds the specified SDL_GameControllerDB gamepad mappings.
nwidth(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
nwindowHintString(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.
nzlibCompress(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite

O Link icon

OBJECT_LINEAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
OBJECT_PLANE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
objectLabel(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
objectLabel(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
objectPtrLabel(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
objectPtrLabel(MemorySegment, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
of(int) - Static method in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
Gets the NFDResult by the given integer value.
ofDescriptor(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Creates the function descriptor of the string.
OfDouble(double, double) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Creates an instance of a OfDouble record class.
OfDouble(double, double, double) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Creates an instance of a OfDouble record class.
OfDouble(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Creates an instance of a OfDouble record class.
OfFloat(float, float) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Creates an instance of a OfFloat record class.
OfFloat(float, float, float) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Creates an instance of a OfFloat record class.
OfFloat(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Creates an instance of a OfFloat record class.
OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
OfInt(int, int) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Creates an instance of a OfInt record class.
OfInt(int, int, int) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Creates an instance of a OfInt record class.
OfInt(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Creates an instance of a OfInt record class.
OfLong(long, long) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Creates an instance of a OfLong record class.
OfLong(long, long, long) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Creates an instance of a OfLong record class.
OfLong(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Creates an instance of a OfLong record class.
OfObjInt(T, int) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Creates an instance of a OfObjInt record class.
OfObjLong(T, long) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Creates an instance of a OfObjLong record class.
ofValue(char) - Static method in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Returns the value layout of the specified character.
OKAY - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
user pressed okay, or successful return
ONE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
openDialogMultipleN(MemorySegment, NFDNFilterItem.Buffer, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
multiple file open dialog
openDialogMultipleU8(MemorySegment, NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
multiple file open dialog
openDialogN(String[], NFDNFilterItem.Buffer, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
single file open dialog
openDialogU8(String[], NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
single file open dialog
OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
OPENGL_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
value for CLIENT_API
OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
OPENGL_ES_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
value for CLIENT_API
OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
OPENGL_PROFILE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Context related hints
OperatingSystem - Class in overrungl.os
The operating system.
OperatingSystems - Class in overrungl.os
The operating systems.
OR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
OR_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
OR_REVERSE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ortho(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
OSMESA_CONTEXT_API - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
OUT_OF_MEMORY - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
A memory allocation failed.
OUT_OF_MEMORY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
overrungl - package overrungl
OverrunGL - Class in overrungl
Constants of OverrunGL.
overrungl.core - module overrungl.core
The core module of OverrunGL.
overrungl.glfw - module overrungl.glfw
The GLFW binding.
overrungl.glfw - package overrungl.glfw
overrungl.internal - package overrungl.internal
overrungl.joml - module overrungl.joml
Utilities for JOML (Java OpenGL Math Library).
overrungl.joml - package overrungl.joml
overrungl.nfd - module overrungl.nfd
The NFD binding.
overrungl.nfd - package overrungl.nfd
overrungl.opengl - module overrungl.opengl
The OpenGL binding.
overrungl.opengl - package overrungl.opengl
overrungl.opengl.ext - package overrungl.opengl.ext
overrungl.opengl.ext.amd - package overrungl.opengl.ext.amd - package
overrungl.opengl.ext.arb - package overrungl.opengl.ext.arb
overrungl.opengl.ext.sun - package overrungl.opengl.ext.sun
overrungl.os - package overrungl.os
overrungl.stb - module overrungl.stb
The STB binding.
overrungl.stb - package overrungl.stb
overrungl.util - package overrungl.util
overrungl.util.value - package overrungl.util.value

P Link icon

p - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
P - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PACK_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
PACK_LSB_FIRST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
PACK_ROW_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
PACK_SKIP_IMAGES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
PACK_SKIP_PIXELS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
PACK_SKIP_ROWS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
PACK_SWAP_BYTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
Pair<T> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A pair of the same type objects.
Pair(T, T) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Creates an instance of a Pair record class.
Pair.OfDouble - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A pair of doubles.
Pair.OfFloat - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A pair of floats.
Pair.OfInt - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A pair of integers.
Pair.OfLong - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A pair of longs.
PARAMETER_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
PARAMETER_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
passThrough(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PATCH_VERTICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PATCHES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
patchParameterfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
patchParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
patchParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PATH_SET_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
The type of the path-set size (long for Windows and Mac OS X, int for others).
pathSetEnumNextN(MemorySegment, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the next item from the path set enumerator.
pathSetEnumNextU8(MemorySegment, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the next item from the path set enumerator.
pathSetFree(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Free the pathSet
pathSetFreeEnum(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Frees an enumerator of the path set.
pathSetFreePathN(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
pathSetFreePathU8(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
pathSetGetCount(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the number of entries stored in pathSet
pathSetGetCount(MemorySegment, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the number of entries stored in pathSet
pathSetGetEnum(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets an enumerator of the path set.
pathSetGetPathN(MemorySegment, long, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the UTF-8 path at offset index
pathSetGetPathU8(MemorySegment, long, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
Gets the UTF-8 path at offset index
pauseTransformFeedback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PDDV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PF - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PFV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
pickFolderN(String[], String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
select folder dialog
pickFolderU8(String[], String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
select folder dialog
PII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIIPp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIIIII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIIIIII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIPFFFFI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIIPIIIIIIIIIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIPp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIJI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIJP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIJV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPPPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPPPPPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_MODE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
pixelMapfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelMapfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelMapuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelMapuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelMapusv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelMapusv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixels() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
pixels() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Gets the image pixels address.
pixels(long, MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Sets the image pixels address at the given index.
pixels(MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
pixels(MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Sets the image pixels address.
pixelsAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Gets the image pixels address at the given index.
pixelStoref(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
pixelStorei(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
pixelTransferf(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelTransferi(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pixelZoom(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
PJ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PJp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PJP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PLATFORM_ERROR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
A platform-specific error occurred that does not match any of the more specific categories.
png(String, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
pngToFunc(Arena, STBIWriteFunc, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
pngToMem(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
POINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POINT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POINT_SIZE_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POINT_SMOOTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POINT_SMOOTH_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
POINT_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
Pointer - Class in overrungl
A MemorySegmentPREVIEW wrapper with a segment allocator.
Pointer(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.Pointer
Create the pointer instance.
Pointer lifetime - Search tag in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWDropFun
Pointer lifetime - Search tag in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
pointers(MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
pointers(MemorySegment...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
pointers(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
pointers(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
pointers(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
pointParameterf(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
pointParameterfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
pointParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
pointParameteri(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
pointParameteriv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
pointParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
POINTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
pointSize(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
pollEvents() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Processes all pending events.
POLYGON - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POLYGON_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POLYGON_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POLYGON_OFFSET_CLAMP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
POLYGON_SMOOTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
POLYGON_STIPPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
POLYGON_TOKEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
polygonMode(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
polygonOffset(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
polygonOffsetClamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
polygonStipple(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
polygonStipple(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pop() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Pops the current stack frame and moves the stack pointer to the end of the previous stack frame.
popAttrib() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
popClientAttrib() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
popDebugGroup() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
popMatrix() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
popName() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
POSITION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
postEmptyEvents() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Posts an empty event to the event queue.
Pp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPII - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIIIIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIIIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIIIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIPIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPIPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPJP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPIIV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPPI - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPPIp - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PPV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PRESS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The key or mouse button was pressed.
primCount() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
primCount() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Returns the primitive count.
primCount() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
primCount() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Returns the primitive count.
primCount(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
primCount(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand
Sets the primitive count.
primCount(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
primCount(int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand
Sets the primitive count.
primCount(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the primitive count at the given index.
primCount(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Sets the primitive count at the given index.
primCountAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawArraysIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the primitive count at the given index.
primCountAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.opengl.DrawElementsIndirectCommand.Buffer
Gets the primitive count at the given index.
PRIMITIVE_RESTART - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FOR_PATCHES_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
primitiveRestartIndex(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
PRIMITIVES_GENERATED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
PRIMITIVES_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
print(SegmentAllocator, float, float, String, byte[], MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
prioritizeTextures(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
prioritizeTextures(SegmentAllocator, int[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PROGRAM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
PROGRAM_INPUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
PROGRAM_OUTPUT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
PROGRAM_PIPELINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
PROGRAM_SEPARABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programBinary(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programBinary(int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1d(int, int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1dv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1f(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1fv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1iv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1ui(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1uiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform1uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2d(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2dv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2f(int, int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2fv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2iv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2ui(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2uiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform2uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3d(int, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3dv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3f(int, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3fv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3i(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3iv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3uiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4d(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4dv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4f(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4fv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4i(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4iv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4ui(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4uiv(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniform4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix2x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix3x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
programUniformMatrix4x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
PROJECTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PROJECTION_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
PROVOKING_VERTEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
provokingVertex(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
PROXY_TEXTURE_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
PROXY_TEXTURE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
PROXY_TEXTURE_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
push() - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Stores the current stack pointer and pushes a new frame to the stack.
pushAttrib(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pushClientAttrib(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
pushDebugGroup(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
pushDebugGroup(int, int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
pushMatrix() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
pushName(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
put(Matrix2dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix2dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix2fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix2fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix3dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix3dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix3fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix3fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix3x2dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix3x2dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix3x2fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix3x2fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix4dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix4dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix4fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix4fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix4x3dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix4x3dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Matrix4x3fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix at the given offset.
put(Matrix4x3fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Matrixn
Puts the matrix.
put(Vector2dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector2dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector2fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector2fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector2ic, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector2ic, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector3dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector3dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector3fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector3fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector3ic, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector3ic, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector4dc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector4dc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector4fc, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector4fc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
put(Vector4ic, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector at the given offset.
put(Vector4ic, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
Puts the vector.
PV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
PZ - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors

Q Link icon

Q - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
Quad<T> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A quad of thsame type objects.
Quad(T, T, T, T) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Creates an instance of a Quad record class.
QUAD_STRIP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
Quad.OfDouble - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A quad of doubles.
Quad.OfFloat - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A quad of floats.
Quad.OfInt - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A quad of integers.
Quad.OfLong - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A quad of longs.
QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
QUADS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
QUADS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
QUADS_FOLLOW_PROVOKING_VERTEX_CONVENTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
QUERY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
QUERY_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
QUERY_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
QUERY_COUNTER_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
QUERY_NO_WAIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
QUERY_NO_WAIT_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
QUERY_RESULT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
QUERY_TARGET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
QUERY_WAIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
QUERY_WAIT_INVERTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
queryCounter(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
quit() - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
call this to de-initialize NFD, if NFD.init() returned NFDResult.OKAY

R Link icon

R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
R11F_G11F_B10F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R16_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
R16F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R16I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R16UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R3_G3_B2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
R32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R32I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R32UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R8_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
R8I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
R8UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RASTERIZER_DISCARD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
rasterPos2d(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2f(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2s(short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos2sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4d(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4f(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4s(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rasterPos4sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
RAW_MOUSE_MOTION - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
rawGLVersion() - Method in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
Returns the raw OpenGL version value.
rawMouseMotionSupported() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether raw mouse motion is supported.
read() - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Returns the read callback.
read(Arena, STBIIoCallbacks.Read) - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Sets the read callback.
READ_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
READ_FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
READ_PIXELS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
READ_PIXELS_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
READ_PIXELS_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
readBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
readnPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readnPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readnPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readnPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readnPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readnPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
readPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
readPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
readPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
readPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
readPixels(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
realloc(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryUtil
Reallocate memory blocks.
rectd(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectdv(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectdv(SegmentAllocator, double[], double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectf(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectfv(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectfv(SegmentAllocator, float[], float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
recti(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectiv(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectiv(SegmentAllocator, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rects(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectsv(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rectsv(SegmentAllocator, short[], short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
red() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets the red value array.
red(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets a red value at the given index.
red(short[]) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Sets the red value array.
RED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
RED_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RED_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
RED_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RED_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RED_SCALE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
redBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
redBits() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the bit depth of the red channel of the video mode.
redBits() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the redBits record component.
redBitsAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the red bits at the given index.
reds(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Returns the red value array.
REFERENCED_BY_COMPUTE_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
REFLECT - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
REFRESH_RATE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
REFRESH_RATE specifies the desired refresh rate for full screen windows.
refreshRate() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
refreshRate() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the refresh rate, in Hz, of the video mode.
refreshRate() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the refreshRate record component.
refreshRateAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the refresh rate at the given index.
RELEASE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The key or mouse button was released.
RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_NONE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
releaseShaderCompiler() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
removeExtension(String) - Static method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
Removes the extension (if any) from the file path.
RENDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RENDER_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RENDERBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
renderbufferStorage(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
renderbufferStorageMultisample(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RENDERER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
renderMode(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
REPEAT - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The key was held down until it repeated.
REPEAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
REPLACE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
requestWindowAttention(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Requests user attention to the specified window.
RESCALE_NORMAL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12
RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
RESIZABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
resize(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resize(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, STBIRDatatype, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeFloat(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeFloat(SegmentAllocator, float[], int, int, int, float[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeFloatGeneric(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeFloatGeneric(SegmentAllocator, float[], int, int, int, float[], int, int, int, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeRegion(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeRegion(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, STBIRDatatype, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeSubpixel(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeSubpixel(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, STBIRDatatype, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint16Generic(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint16Generic(SegmentAllocator, short[], int, int, int, short[], int, int, int, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int, int, int, byte[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8Generic(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8Generic(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int, int, int, byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, STBIREdge, STBIRFilter, STBIRColorspace, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8Srgb(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8Srgb(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int, int, int, byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8SrgbEdgemode(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
resizeUint8SrgbEdgemode(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int, int, int, byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, STBIREdge) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageResize
restoreWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Restores the specified window.
resumeTransformFeedback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
RETURN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG16_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RG16F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG16I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG16UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG32I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG32UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG8_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RG8I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RG8UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
Image channels
RGB_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
Image channels
RGB_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB10 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB10_A2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB10_A2UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
RGB12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB16_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RGB16F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB16I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB16UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB32I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB32UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB5_A1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB565 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
RGB8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGB8_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RGB8I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB8UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGB9_E5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
RGBA_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
RGBA12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGBA16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGBA16_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RGBA16F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA16I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA16UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGBA32F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA32I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA32UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGBA8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
RGBA8_SNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
RGBA8I - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
RGBA8UI - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
ridgeNoise3(float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
Three common fractal noise functions are included, which produce a wide variety of nice effects depending on the parameters provided.
right() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.y.
right() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.z.
right() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.y.
right() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.z.
RIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
rotated(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
rotatef(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
RuntimeHelper - Class in overrungl.internal
The runtime helper, for internal use.

S Link icon

S - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_BUFFERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_COVERAGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLE_MASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLE_POSITION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLE_SHADING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
Sample Code - Search tag in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
sampleCoverage(float, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
sampleMaski(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SAMPLER_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SAMPLER_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
SAMPLER_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
SAMPLER_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
samplerParameterf(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
samplerParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
SAMPLES_PASSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
saveDialogN(String[], NFDNFilterItem.Buffer, String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
save dialog
saveDialogU8(String[], NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer, String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.nfd.NFD
save dialog
SCALE_TO_MONITOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
scaled(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
scalef(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
scissor(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SCISSOR_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SCISSOR_BOX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SCISSOR_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
scissorArrayv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
scissorArrayv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
scissorIndexed(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
scissorIndexedv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
scissorIndexedv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.y.
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns Quad.y.
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.y.
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.y.
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.y.
second() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns Tuple4.y.
secondaryColor3b(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3bv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3bv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3ub(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3ubv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3ubv(SegmentAllocator, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3ui(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3uiv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3us(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3usv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColor3usv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
secondaryColorPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
segment() - Method in class overrungl.Struct
Gets as a native segment.
segment(long) - Method in class overrungl.Pointer
Gets the native segment of this pointer, or creates a new one if the segment of this pointer is zero-length.
segment(Arena, FunctionDescriptor) - Method in interface overrungl.Callback
Gets the memory segment of the upcall stub with the given arena.
segment(MemoryLayout) - Method in class overrungl.Pointer
Gets the native segment of this pointer, or creates a new one if the segment of this pointer is zero-length.
SELECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
selectBuffer(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
selectBuffer(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SEPARATE_ATTRIBS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12
set() - Method in interface overrungl.glfw.IGLFWErrorFun
Sets the error callback.
set(T) - Method in class overrungl.Configurations.Entry
Sets the value.
SET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
setApiLogger(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.OverrunGL
Sets the API logger.
setCapabilities(GLCapabilities) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Sets the GLCapabilities of the OpenGL context that is current in the current thread.
setCharCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWCharFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the Unicode character callback.
setClipboardString(String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the clipboard to the specified string.
setCursor(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the cursor for the window.
setCursorEnterCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWCursorEnterFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the cursor enter/leave callback.
setCursorPos(MemorySegment, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the position of the cursor, relative to the content area of the window.
setCursorPosCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWCursorPosFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the cursor position callback.
setDropCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWDropFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the path drop callback.
setErrorCallback(IGLFWErrorFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the error callback.
setFlipVerticallyOnLoad(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
setFlipVerticallyOnLoadThread(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
setFramebufferSizeCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWFramebufferSizeFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window.
setGamma(MemorySegment, float) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Generates a gamma ramp and sets it for the specified monitor.
setGammaRamp(MemorySegment, GLFWGammaRamp) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.
setInputMode(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets an input option for the specified window.
setJoystickCallback(IGLFWJoystickFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the joystick configuration callback.
setJoystickUserPointer(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the user pointer of the specified joystick.
setKeyCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWKeyFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the key callback.
setMonitorCallback(IGLFWMonitorFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the monitor configuration callback.
setMonitorUserPointer(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the user pointer of the specified monitor.
setMouseButtonCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWMouseButtonFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the mouse button callback.
setPointer(long) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Sets the current stack pointer.
setScrollCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWScrollFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the scroll callback.
setSpacing(float) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
setTime(double) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the GLFW time.
setUnpremultiplyOnLoad(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
setUnpremultiplyOnLoadThread(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
setupDebugMessageCallback() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLUtil
Detects the best debug output functionality to use and creates a callback that prints information to API Logger.
setupDebugMessageCallback(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLUtil
Detects the best debug output functionality to use and creates a callback that prints information to the specified logger.
setWindowAspectRatio(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window.
setWindowAttrib(MemorySegment, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets an attribute of the specified window.
setWindowCloseCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowCloseFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the close callback for the specified window.
setWindowContentScaleCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowContentScaleFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the window content scale callback for the specified window.
setWindowFocusCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowFocusFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the focus callback for the specified window.
setWindowIcon(MemorySegment, int, GLFWImage.Buffer) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the icon for the specified window.
setWindowIcon(MemorySegment, GLFWImage.Buffer) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the icon for the specified window.
setWindowIconifyCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowIconifyFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the iconify callback for the specified window.
setWindowMaximizeCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowMaximizeFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the maximize callback for the specified window.
setWindowMonitor(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the mode, monitor, video mode and placement of a window.
setWindowOpacity(MemorySegment, float) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the opacity of the whole window.
setWindowPos(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the position of the content area of the specified window.
setWindowPosCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowPosFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the position callback for the specified window.
setWindowRefreshCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowRefreshFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the refresh callback for the specified window.
setWindowShouldClose(MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the close flag of the specified window.
setWindowSize(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the size of the content area of the specified window.
setWindowSizeCallback(MemorySegment, IGLFWWindowSizeFun) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the size callback for the specified window.
setWindowSizeLimits(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the size limits of the specified window.
setWindowTitle(MemorySegment, String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the title of the specified window.
setWindowUserPointer(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the user pointer of the specified window.
setWriteForcePngFilter(int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
setWritePngCompressionLevel(int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
setWriteTgaWithRle(boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
setX11SelectionString(String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWNative
Sets the current primary selection to the specified string.
SHADE_MODEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
shadeModel(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_BINARY_FORMAT_SPIR_V - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
SHADER_COMPILER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_IMAGE_LOAD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_IMAGE_STORE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_START - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADER_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
shaderBinary(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
shaderBinary(SegmentAllocator, int[], int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
shaderBinary(SegmentAllocator, int[], int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
shaderSource(int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
shaderSource(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
shaderSource(SegmentAllocator, int, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
shaderStorageBlockBinding(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
SHININESS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SHORT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
shorts(short) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Single value version of MemoryStack.malloc(long, long)PREVIEW.
shorts(short...) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
shorts(short, short) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
shorts(short, short, short) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
shorts(short, short, short, short) - Method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
showWindow(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Makes the specified window visible.
SIGNALED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SIGNED_NORMALIZED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
SIMULTANEOUS_TEXTURE_AND_DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SIMULTANEOUS_TEXTURE_AND_DEPTH_WRITE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SIMULTANEOUS_TEXTURE_AND_STENCIL_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SIMULTANEOUS_TEXTURE_AND_STENCIL_WRITE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SINGLE_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12
size() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Gets the arrays size.
size(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWGammaRamp
Sets the arrays size.
sizeof() - Method in class overrungl.Struct
Returns the elements size of this struct in bytes.
skip() - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Returns the skip callback.
skip(Arena, STBIIoCallbacks.Skip) - Method in class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Sets the skip callback.
SMOOTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
SOLARIS - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
spec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
spec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem
Returns the spec of the filter.
spec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
spec() - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem
Returns the spec of the filter.
specAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDNFilterItem.Buffer
Returns the spec at the given index.
specAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.nfd.NFDU8FilterItem.Buffer
Returns the spec at the given index.
specializeShader(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
specializeShader(int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
specializeShader(SegmentAllocator, int, String, int[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
SPECULAR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SPHERE_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SPIR_V_BINARY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
SPIR_V_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
SPOT_CUTOFF - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SPOT_DIRECTION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SPOT_EXPONENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SRC_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SRC1_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
SRC1_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
SRGB - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRColorspace
SRGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
SRGB_ALPHA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
SRGB_CAPABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
SRGB_READ - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SRGB_WRITE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
SRGB8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
SRGB8_ALPHA8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
SSSSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
SSSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
SSV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
STACK_FRAMES - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
The default stack frames of MemoryStackPREVIEW.
STACK_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STACK_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
STACK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.Configurations
The default stack size in KiB of MemoryStackPREVIEW.
STACK_UNDERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STACK_UNDERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
stackCalloc(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Thread-local version of callocPREVIEW.
stackGet() - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Returns the stack of the current thread.
stackMalloc(long) - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Thread-local version of mallocPREVIEW.
stackPop() - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Calls MemoryStack.pop() on the stack of the current thread.
stackPush() - Static method in class overrungl.util.MemoryStackPREVIEW
Calls MemoryStack.push() on the stack of the current thread.
STATIC_COPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
STATIC_DRAW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
STATIC_READ - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
STBEasyFont - Class in overrungl.stb
Easy-to-deploy, reasonably compact, extremely inefficient performance-wise, crappy-looking, ASCII-only, bitmap font for use in 3D APIs.
STBIIoCallbacks - Class in overrungl.stb
The IO callback of STB image.
STBIIoCallbacks(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.stb.STBIIoCallbacks
Create a stbi_io_callbacks instance.
STBIIoCallbacks.Eof - Interface in overrungl.stb
The eof callback interface
STBIIoCallbacks.Read - Interface in overrungl.stb
The read callback interface
STBIIoCallbacks.Skip - Interface in overrungl.stb
The skip callback interface
STBImage - Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image reader.
STBImageResize - Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image resizer.
STBImageWrite - Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image writer.
STBIRColorspace - Enum Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image resizer color-space
STBIRDatatype - Enum Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image resizer datatype
STBIREdge - Enum Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image resizer edge
STBIRFilter - Enum Class in overrungl.stb
The STB image resizer filter
STBIWriteFunc - Interface in overrungl.stb
The write-callback.
STBPerlin - Class in overrungl.stb
The STB perlin noise generator.
STENCIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
STENCIL_BACK_FAIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_FUNC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_REF - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STENCIL_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
STENCIL_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
STENCIL_FAIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_FUNC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_INDEX1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
STENCIL_INDEX16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
STENCIL_INDEX4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
STENCIL_INDEX8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_REF - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_RENDERABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
STENCIL_TEST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_VALUE_MASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STENCIL_WRITEMASK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
stencilFunc(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
stencilFuncSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
stencilMask(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
stencilMaskSeparate(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
stencilOp(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
stencilOpSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
STEREO - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Framebuffer related hints
STEREO - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
STICKY_KEYS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
STREAM_COPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
STREAM_DRAW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
STREAM_READ - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
Struct - Class in overrungl
The C struct wrapper.
Struct(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator) - Constructor for class overrungl.Struct
Creates a struct instance.
Struct(MemorySegment, SegmentAllocator, MemoryLayout) - Constructor for class overrungl.Struct
Creates a struct instance with the given memory layout.
SUBPIXEL_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
SV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
swapBuffers(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window.
swapInterval(int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the swap interval for the current context.
SYNC_CONDITION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SYNC_FENCE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SYNC_FLAGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
SYNC_STATUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C

T Link icon

T - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T2F_C3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T2F_C4UB_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T2F_N3F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T2F_V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
T4F_V4F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
terminate() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Terminates the GLFW library.
TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_CONTROL_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TESS_GEN_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_GEN_SPACING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
texBuffer(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
texBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
texCoord1d(double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1f(float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1i(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1s(short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord1sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2d(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2f(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2s(short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord2sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4d(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4f(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4s(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoord4sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texCoordPointer(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
texCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
texCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
texCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
texCoordPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
texEnvf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texEnvfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texEnvfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texEnvi(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texEnviv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texEnviv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGend(int, int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGendv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGendv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGenf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGenfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGenfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGeni(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGeniv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texGeniv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
texImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texImage2DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
texImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texImage3DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
texParameterf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
texParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
texParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
texParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
texParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
texStorage1D(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
texStorage2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
texStorage2DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
texStorage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
texStorage3DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
texSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
texSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
texSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_BINDING_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_BINDING_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_BINDING_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
TEXTURE_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_BORDER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
TEXTURE_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
TEXTURE_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_COMPRESSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_ENV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_ENV_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_GATHER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_GATHER_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_GEN_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_GEN_Q - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_GEN_R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_GEN_S - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_GEN_T - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL14C
TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_MATRIX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_MAX_LOD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_MIN_LOD - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_RECTANGLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
TEXTURE_RED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
TEXTURE_RED_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_RESIDENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_SAMPLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TEXTURE_SHADOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_SHARED_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TEXTURE_TARGET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TEXTURE_VIEW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TEXTURE_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_WRAP_R - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
TEXTURE_WRAP_S - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE_WRAP_T - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TEXTURE0 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE10 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE11 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE12 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE13 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE14 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE15 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE16 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE17 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE18 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE19 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE20 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE21 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE22 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE23 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE24 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE25 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE26 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE27 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE28 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE29 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE30 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE31 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE6 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE7 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
TEXTURE9 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL13C
textureBarrier() - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureBuffer(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterf(int, int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterfv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterfv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameteri(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterIiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterIiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterIuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameterIuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameteriv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureParameteriv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureStorage1D(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureStorage2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureStorage2DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureStorage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureStorage3DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage1D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage2D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureSubImage3D(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
textureView(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
tga(String, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
tgaToFunc(Arena, STBIWriteFunc, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
third() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns Quad.z.
third() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns Triplet.z.
third() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns Tuple3.z.
third() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns Tuple4.z.
Thread-local state - Search tag in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
TIME_ELAPSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
TIMEOUT_EXPIRED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TIMEOUT_IGNORED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
toArray(MemorySegment, boolean[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the booleans from a boolean array.
toArray(MemorySegment, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the bytes from a byte array.
toArray(MemorySegment, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the doubles from a double array.
toArray(MemorySegment, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the floats from a float array.
toArray(MemorySegment, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the ints from an int array.
toArray(MemorySegment, long[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the longs from a long array.
toArray(MemorySegment, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the shorts from a short array.
toArray(MemorySegment, MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the addresses from an address array.
toArray(MemorySegment, T[], Function<MemorySegment, T>) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the objects from an address array.
TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toUnboundedArray(MemorySegment, String[]) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the strings from an unbounded address array.
toUnboundedArray(MemorySegment, T[], Function<MemorySegment, T>) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets the objects from an address array.
TRANSFORM_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL44C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_STREAM_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
transformFeedbackBufferBase(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
transformFeedbackBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
transformFeedbackVaryings(int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
transformFeedbackVaryings(SegmentAllocator, int, String[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
translated(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
translatef(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
TRIANGLE - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
On upsampling, produces same results as bilinear texture filtering
TRIANGLE_FAN - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TRIANGLE_STRIP - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
TRIANGLES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
Triplet<T> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A triplet of the same type objects.
Triplet(T, T, T) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Creates an instance of a Triplet record class.
Triplet.OfDouble - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A triplet of doubles.
Triplet.OfFloat - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A triplet of floats.
Triplet.OfInt - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A triplet of integers.
Triplet.OfLong - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A triplet of longs.
trivialHandle(String, FunctionDescriptors) - Method in interface overrungl.opengl.GLLoadFunc
Load a trivial function by the given name and creates a downcall handle or null.
TRUE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
TRUE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
Tuple2<T,U> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A tuple of 2 objects.
Tuple2(T, U) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Creates an instance of a Tuple2 record class.
Tuple2.OfObjInt<T> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A value object with an object and an integer.
Tuple2.OfObjLong<T> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A tuple of an object and a long.
Tuple3<T,U,V> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A tuple of 3 objects.
Tuple3(T, U, V) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Creates an instance of a Tuple3 record class.
Tuple4<T,U,V,W> - Record Class in overrungl.util.value
A tuple of 4 objects.
Tuple4(T, U, V, W) - Constructor for record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Creates an instance of a Tuple4 record class.
turbulenceNoise3(float, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBPerlin
Three common fractal noise functions are included, which produce a wide variety of nice effects depending on the parameters provided.
TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C

U Link icon

U8 - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator.Kind
UINT16 - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
UINT32 - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
UINT8 - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
unboundPointerString(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets a string from the given pointer of a string.
unboundPointerString(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Gets a string from the given pointer of a string at the given index.
UNDEFINED_VERTEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNIFORM_BLOCK - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_COMPUTE_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_BUFFER_START - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNIFORM_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
uniform1d(int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform1dv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform1dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform1f(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1fv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1iv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform1ui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform1uiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform1uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform2d(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform2dv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform2f(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2fv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2iv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform2ui(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform2uiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform2uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform3d(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform3dv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform3f(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3fv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3iv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform3ui(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform3uiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform4dv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniform4f(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4fv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4i(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4iv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniform4ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform4uiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniform4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
uniformBlockBinding(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
uniformMatrix2dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix2x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix2x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix2x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix2x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix3x4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
uniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4x2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformMatrix4x3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL21C
uniformSubroutinesuiv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
uniformSubroutinesuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
UNIX - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
unknownToken(int) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Generates a string for unknown token.
unknownToken(String, int) - Static method in class overrungl.internal.RuntimeHelper
Generates a string for unknown token.
unmapBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
unmapNamedBuffer(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
UNPACK_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNPACK_LSB_FIRST - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNSIGNALED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
UNSIGNED_BYTE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_INT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL31C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL40C
UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
UNSIGNED_SHORT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL12C
updateGamepadMappings(String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Adds the specified SDL_GameControllerDB gamepad mappings.
UPPER_LEFT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
useProgram(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
useProgramStages(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
Using an enumerator (experimental) - Search tag in class overrungl.nfd.NFD

V Link icon

V - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
V2F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
V3F - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VALIDATE_STATUS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
validateProgram(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
validateProgramPipeline(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
value() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns an immutable state of this struct.
value() - Element in annotation interface overrungl.NativeType
Returns the name of the native type.
value() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns Pair.y.
value() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns Tuple2.y.
Value(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Creates an instance of a Value record class.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRColorspace
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDEnumerator.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.nfd.NFDResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRColorspace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRDatatype
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIRFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VEC2D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector2d layout.
VEC2F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector2f layout.
VEC2I - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector2i layout.
VEC3D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector3d layout.
VEC3F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector3f layout.
VEC3I - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector3i layout.
VEC4D - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector4d layout.
VEC4F - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector4f layout.
VEC4I - Static variable in class overrungl.joml.Vectorn
The Vector4i layout.
Vectorn - Class in overrungl.joml
The vector-to-native-memory util.
VENDOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
Ver10 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver11 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver12 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver13 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver14 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver15 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver20 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver21 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver30 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver31 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver32 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver33 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver40 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver41 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver42 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver43 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver44 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver45 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
Ver46 - Variable in class overrungl.opengl.GLCapabilities
The OpenGL context version flags.
VERSION - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
VERSION - Static variable in class overrungl.OverrunGL
The version of OverrunGL.
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The major version number of the GLFW header.
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The minor version number of the GLFW header.
VERSION_REVISION - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The revision number of the GLFW header.
VERSION_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The requested OpenGL or OpenGL ES version (including any requested context or framebuffer hints) is not available on this machine.
versionMajor(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Returns the major version.
versionMinor(int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GLLoader
Returns the minor version.
VERTEX_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTEX_ARRAY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11C
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL42C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LONG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDING - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_BINDING_BUFFER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_BINDING_DIVISOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_SHADER - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
VERTEX_SHADER_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
VERTEX_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VERTEX_TEXTURE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertex2d(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2f(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2s(short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex2sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4d(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4f(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4s(short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertex4sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10
vertexArrayAttribBinding(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayAttribFormat(int, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayAttribIFormat(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayAttribLFormat(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayBindingDivisor(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayElementBuffer(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayVertexBuffer(int, int, int, long, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayVertexBuffers(int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexArrayVertexBuffers(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[], long[], int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
vertexAttrib1d(int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1f(int, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1s(int, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib1sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2d(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2f(int, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2s(int, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib2sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3d(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3f(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3s(int, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib3sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4bv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4bv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4f(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4fv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4fv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nbv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nbv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Niv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Niv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nsv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nsv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nub(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nubv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nubv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nuiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nuiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nusv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4Nusv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4s(int, short, short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4ubv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4ubv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4uiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4usv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttrib4usv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribBinding(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertexAttribDivisor(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribFormat(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertexAttribI1i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI1iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI1iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI1ui(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI1uiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI1uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2ui(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2uiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI2uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3i(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3ui(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3uiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4bv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4bv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4i(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4iv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4iv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4sv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4sv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4ubv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4ubv(SegmentAllocator, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4uiv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4usv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribI4usv(SegmentAllocator, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribIFormat(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertexAttribIPointer(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribIPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribIPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribIPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL30C
vertexAttribL1d(int, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL1dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL1dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL2d(int, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL2dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL2dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL3d(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL3dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL3dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL4dv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribL4dv(SegmentAllocator, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribLFormat(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertexAttribLPointer(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribLPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
vertexAttribP1ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP1uiv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP1uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP2ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP2uiv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP2uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP3ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP3uiv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP3uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP4ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP4uiv(int, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribP4uiv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL33C
vertexAttribPointer(int, int, int, boolean, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, int, byte[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexAttribPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, boolean, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL20C
vertexBindingDivisor(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
vertexPointer(int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
vertexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
vertexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
vertexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
vertexPointer(SegmentAllocator, int, int, int, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VERTICES_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL46C
VIEW_CLASS_128_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_16_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_24_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_32_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_48_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_64_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_8_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_96_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_FLOAT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_UNORM - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_RGTC1_RED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_RGTC2_RG - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT1_RGB - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT1_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT3_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT5_RGBA - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
VIEW_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL43C
viewport(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
VIEWPORT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
VIEWPORT_BIT - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
VIEWPORT_INDEX_PROVOKING_VERTEX - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
viewportArrayv(int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
viewportArrayv(SegmentAllocator, int, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
viewportIndexedf(int, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
viewportIndexedfv(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
viewportIndexedfv(SegmentAllocator, int, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL41C
VISIBLE - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Window related hints
VRESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
The vertical resize arrow shape.
vulkanSupported() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Returns whether the Vulkan loader and an ICD have been found.

W Link icon

w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns the value of the w record component.
w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns the value of the w record component.
w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns the value of the w record component.
w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns the value of the w record component.
w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns the value of the w record component.
w() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns the value of the w record component.
WAIT_FAILED - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
waitEvents() - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Waits until events are queued and processes them.
waitEventsTimeout(double) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Waits with timeout until events are queued and processes them.
waitSync(MemorySegment, int, long) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL32C
width() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
width() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Gets the image width.
width() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
width() - Method in record class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Value
Returns the value of the width record component.
width() - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode
Returns the width, in screen coordinates, of the video mode.
width(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
width(int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage
Sets the image width.
width(long, int) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Sets the image width at the given index.
width(String) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBEasyFont
widthAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWImage.Buffer
Gets the image width at the given index.
widthAt(long) - Method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFWVidMode.Buffer
Gets the width at the given index.
windowHint(int, boolean) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.
windowHint(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.
windowHintString(int, String) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.
windowPos2d(double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2f(float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2i(int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2s(short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos2sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3d(double, double, double) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3dv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3dv(SegmentAllocator, double[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3f(float, float, float) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3fv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3fv(SegmentAllocator, float[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3i(int, int, int) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3iv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3iv(SegmentAllocator, int[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3s(short, short, short) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3sv(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
windowPos3sv(SegmentAllocator, short[]) - Static method in class overrungl.opengl.GL14
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.AUTO_ICONIFY
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.CENTER_CURSOR
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.DECORATED
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.FLOATING
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.FOCUSED
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.FOCUS_ON_SHOW
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.ICONIFIED
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.MAXIMIZED
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.RESIZABLE
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.SCALE_TO_MONITOR
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER
Window related hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.VISIBLE
WINDOWS - Static variable in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystems
windowShouldClose(MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
Checks the close flag of the specified window.
withExtension(String, String) - Static method in class overrungl.os.OperatingSystem
Returns a representation of the file path with an alternate extension.
WRAP - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
WRITE_ONLY - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL15C

X Link icon

x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns the value of the x record component.
x() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns the value of the x record component.
X11_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
X11 specific window hints
X11_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class overrungl.glfw.GLFW
X11 specific window hints
X11 specific window hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.X11_CLASS_NAME
X11 specific window hints - Search tag in overrungl.glfw.GLFW.X11_INSTANCE_NAME
XOR - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C

Y Link icon

y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfDouble
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfFloat
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfInt
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair.OfLong
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Pair
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjInt
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2.OfObjLong
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple2
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns the value of the y record component.

Z Link icon

z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfDouble
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfFloat
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfInt
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad.OfLong
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Quad
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfDouble
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfFloat
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfInt
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet.OfLong
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Triplet
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple3
Returns the value of the z record component.
z() - Method in record class overrungl.util.value.Tuple4
Returns the value of the z record component.
ZERO - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.stb.STBIREdge
ZERO - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL10C
ZERO_TO_ONE - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL45C
zlibCompress(SegmentAllocator, byte[], int[], int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImageWrite
zlibDecodeBuffer(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
zlibDecodeMalloc(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
zlibDecodeMallocGuesssize(MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
zlibDecodeMallocGuesssizeHeaderflag(MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
zlibDecodeNoHeaderBuffer(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
zlibDecodeNoheaderMalloc(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class overrungl.stb.STBImage
ZOOM_X - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ZOOM_Y - Static variable in class overrungl.opengl.GL11
ZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
ZZZZV - Enum constant in enum class overrungl.FunctionDescriptors
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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