Interface GLDebugProcAMD

All Superinterfaces:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface GLDebugProcAMD extends Upcall
  • Field Details


      static final FunctionDescriptor DESCRIPTOR
      The function descriptor.
    • HANDLE

      static final MethodHandle HANDLE
      The method handle of the target method.
  • Method Details

    • invoke

      void invoke(@CType("GLuint") int id, @CType("GLenum") int category, @CType("GLenum") int severity, @CType("const GLchar *") String message, @CType("void*") MemorySegment userParam)
      The interface target method of the upcall.
    • invoke

      default void invoke(@CType("GLuint") int id, @CType("GLenum") int category, @CType("GLenum") int severity, @CType("GLsizei") int length, @CType("const GLchar *") MemorySegment message, @CType("void*") MemorySegment userParam)
      The target method of the upcall.
    • stub

      default MemorySegment stub(Arena arena)
      Description copied from interface: Upcall
      Creates an upcall stub associated with the given arena using Linker::upcallStubRESTRICTED.
      Specified by:
      stub in interface Upcall
      arena - the arena to be associated with the upcall stub
      a zero-length segment whose address is the address of the upcall stub
    • invoke

      static void invoke(MemorySegment stub, @CType("GLuint") int id, @CType("GLenum") int category, @CType("GLenum") int severity, @CType("GLsizei") int length, @CType("const GLchar *") MemorySegment message, @CType("void*") MemorySegment userParam)
      A static invoker of the target method.
      stub - the upcall stub
    • wrap

      static GLDebugProcAMD wrap(MemorySegment stub)
      A wrapper for the target method.
      stub - the upcall stub
      an instance that wraps the static invoker